Feb 06, 2010 22:06
So, I haven't had internet for a couple days, and i just managed to get it going again! This makes me very happy! I was literally bored out of my mind today at work because of my lack of internet. I stayed up 'til 3 AM watching whatever was on because I was bored and all I really wanted to do was watch QI, but of course I couldn't.
Anyways, i haven't properly posted on here in a while, and I thought I probably should. Sorry if this gets weird and pointless.
So, I've actually been drawing a bit again. Mostly cars, and some clothes as well. some day i'll get around to scanning and linking to things. In the mean time, if anyone wants to see what I've already done, it's on my DeviantArt page, which is LemonHobbit.
I've also been writing quite a bit. Top Gear crack fic. Need to post the last few chapters of the X-Men AU type one. Wrote a tiny bit more for the Richard is a car one, and started a new fic as well. Because, for some reason, I decided at about 2 AM, after watching a combination of the crappy Animorphs TV series and Top Gear episodes that it would be a perfectly good crossover to write. So I did. For a while the idea of it was actually creeping me out, but I've been writing it anyway. Like, it actually made me physically uncomfortable during some of the bits. The second chapter needs a lot of re-working, as James is being kinda annoying at the moment and I realized that I've been writing him all wrong for the entire time.
But anyways, Animorphs is awesome. Forever and ever. And so is Lost, even though it hurts my brain.
Um... I dunno what to write now. I think I'm getting a bit tired, so off to QI, followed by Misfits (which I just discovered and haven't watched yet), and probably Top Gear and maybe the Eddie Izzard DVD I rented last week and haven't got around to watching yet although I suspect I may have already seen it! Goodnight! :D
top gear,
plot bunny!,
internet fail,
crossovers ftw,