I'm bored of making website mock-ups for the moment, so I thought I'd do his meme!
Stolen from batfan_sarah
Go to www.urbandictionary.com and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the definition it gives you. I guarantee you're gonna find some pretty hilarious results!
1.) Your name? → Jen
Gorgeous, amazing, perfect everything. The girl who has always been my best friend, the girl who I should've been chasing this whole time. I love her. <333
- Sugarlips
Jen was always my friend, then best friend, then lover, now my love.
2.) Age? → 22
1) A .22 caliber handgun
2) Any rim that measures 22 inches in size
3) Slang term used for women to let you know they are prostitutes.
The age after 21 where you realize you still have another 3 years to get your shit together
3.) One of your friends? → KAte
Purely perfect :-
-Just generally amazing really.
-And has a great bod.
-A great girlfriend etcc.
WOW ... Thats just pure 'Kate' :o :o :o :D :D :D :D
4.) What should you be doing? → homework
Homework: (Noun) a punishment given to students by evil teachers after the students have already put in 7 hours of hard labor.
5.) Favorite color? → green
1. adj. noob, unexperienced
2. n. Money
3. n. Weed, Marijuana
4. adj. Good.
5. The Color, Duh.
6.) Birthplace? → burnsville
An outer suburb to the south of Minneapolis. Known for its large number of fascist cops and speed traps.
That fucking Burnsville cop pulled me over because he said my license plate light was out.
slurb on the outskirts of Minneapolis,MN. Like most suburbs,Burnsvill is were
culture and diversity go to die.
If you abhor diversity, culture, and houses that have real character, move to Burnsville!
7.) Month of your birthday? → february
February is the best month of the year. Its still nice and cold and snowy, but you know that spring is just around the corner if you're tired of all the bad weather. February is also the most unique month. 28 days long,(unless its every four years on a 'leap' year)
Valentines day is also in February. (the fourteenth)It's a fun holiday named after
St. Valentine, and it's for cute happy couples. Many single or unhappy peope celebrate the anti Valentines day, ie.
Singles awareness day.
People born in February are without a doubt the Cutest, Smartest, and Funniest set of people. If you are born after the 20th, you are also a
PICES. This is the best Zodiac sign.