OK, What's next?

Jul 16, 2006 23:02

So, today's been fun, I've decided to try to use this thing more, since I insist on paying for it.

Also on today's list, I got halfway to London for a pool party at my DFs aunts place, and the air conditioning in the car died. The fuses and relays in the panel are all fine, so that leaves: the coolant (freon), the temperature block (special order part from Japan), or the master temperature relay (ripping the entire dash of the car apart), this leaves me unhappy and hoping for a fix that isn't worth more than the face value of the car...it's a 1990, even the places that offer $250 on a tow in, laugh at me.

Then just before I start to get ready for bed, the DF asks me why with the nice new house air conditioner we bought as the house upgrade this year, why the master bedroom has no air flow...well it looks like one of the previous owners moved the entryway, causing a layout I like, but they took out a wall. it appears that there were things in that wall, like phone line, and 2 floors worth of ducting. Yay me, I now need to rerun that. to paraphrase Red Green, "I'm not handsome, so I'm glad the ladies find me handy"

Now, we DID have the house inspected before we bought the place, but with the thermostat they had, and regulations our guy couldn't run the furnace, so we can't complain to him (there was no way he could find it), and we can't prove the previous owners knew, so we can't complain to our real estate lawyer either.
The more I see, the more I think I need to win the lottery, and get Mike Holmes to demolish this place, and start over.
I've currently got 7 home reno projects on the go, because working on 1 inevitably finds me another. the next owner's of this place will get a bargain, it'll work properly, and I'll probably sell it so I don't have to look at anymore.

I need a vacation...Ohh wait, I'm visiting relations then...I need a drink! *slurps tea*

Right, so I need sleep, and the universe owes me another disaster, I wonder what it'll be... :P
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