
Sep 26, 2008 22:56

It's weird to me to see where a lot of my old friends are these days. I could talk about my friends from elementary and middle school, but at those ages neither my friends or me had matured enough to tell what kind of adults we would form into. Although most of those friends have turned into hardcore druggies that have severe emotional problems, gone to jail, or had babies, I believe that it didn't really effect me because I knew them when they were much younger and infinitely more innocent. I want to talk about my high school friends. I always felt this connection to most of my friends in high school that involved how down to earth and intelligent we all were. I'm not saying my friends and I were genius's by any means but we were smart when it came to life, and the bull shit that is flown around by the idiots that surrounded us in high school. But lately as I hear news of old friends, or even see them myself I can't help but think everyone was either nothing like I had imagined them to be, or they are all changed, and not for the good. We lived in a bubble where we believed we didn't need weed and alcohol to have a good time. I'm not saying you need to live like that, I enjoy the occasional awesome night out with my friends with some beer, but what I'm talking about is different. People that can't survive without drugs, or can't make it through a weekend without a kegger. It just seems so fake to me when I look back at these people ( some who judged me for things back then) and remember who they were then, and who they are now. What happened to managing your life so no matter the hardships you never lose who you truly are to less important things like weed and vodka. Why do people drown their sorrows in booze at the age of 19? What problems can someone possibly have that cannot be dealt with in ways other than mind altering substances. In our young age we have strong friendships that are there for us to deal with problems, but I feel like everyone makes friends these days because they like the same liquor and such. Has our generation become so delusional that we base our relationships off the toxic phase we adore most at the time? I understand, and even encourage the occasional fun time with a blunt or a few drinks. But it's pathetic to me that at the young ages of 19 through 23 I've seen so many throw away good lives to be stupidly addicted to something so meaningless. People need to realize that these fake forms of happiness will one day drive away those who truly love them, and I hope they realize it before it happens. I wish the best for everyone, and I'm not writing this because I'm judging people. I'm writing it because I'm concerned about people my age all over the world, and I think we need to stop placing importance on such petty things.
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