first post, i guess.... whatever

Dec 30, 2003 12:00

wow, it says event.
Like something really major happened in my life that i am supposed to report.



So: Thoughts about movies are always fun
I just saw a whole bunch of good films.
"Waking Life" was amazing and it has a little to do with what i was saying before. About a sense of major eventness surrounding these things. Well, in the movie, there is an exchange regarding how urgent everything seems when you re young. How true. It' like none of us really believe that there is life after high school or college or whatever, Or that it'll suck when we're old. I totally disagree (i do that a lot). I can't wait to grow older. I wanna get marrid have kids etc. (hopefully). The big stuff happens later i think. It just seems like it all happens now.

I also saw this great little movie called "Swingers," and it was hilarious. It really helped put into perspective being a guy in romantic situations. (Which is always complicated and painful). It also inspired me t inject more homoeroticisms into my dialogue with guys (like calling a guy "gorgeous when talking to him) because it's part of the suppressed guy subculture. I'm a masculinist. which is not to say i am chauvinist (but i am in the chivalric way, so i'm a nice sexist), but it means that i like being a guy and i'm sick of it being denigrated. "Swingers" also gave me a great new adjective to use: "money." What a great word.

Well that all for now. Thanks for listening.

Check later for movies part II
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