Jun 08, 2005 22:25
So we've established I have lots of time on my hands. Who knows, maybe I'll actually write in this thing on a regular basis. Its not like lots of people know I have a live journal so what difference does it make. You can catch my act through Jessicas friends page but oh well. Blah Blah Blah. Work sucks. I hate my job with a passion. But I do however enjoy being a pain in the ass. And as long as I can make other people laugh then thats all that matters. See I don't care if I lose my job, therefore I can not do something if I choose or talk about people outloud or give dirty looks or be a smart ass. Who cares. Fire me, put me out of my misery. I just wish I had a solid good reason to quit. I want this huge blow out, me yelling at Dr. R or Chris, talking about the office porm star or something great and then BAM!!! F**K YOU, I QUIT! That would be awesome. Would look terrible as far as references and job applications but it would feel great.
I'm going to pick up a new hobby I've decided. Cross stitching, yeah I know, sounds like an old lady thing. But I was always crafty and you have to admit my scrapbooks are pretty cool. I want to make this Wizard of Oz thing for Tony's mom and I want to make baby stuff for baby jessica. What else am I gonna do in between looking for a job??? I guess I could study for the GRE seeing as how I want to take it someday. Ahh, maybe in a month or so.
Okay, I have absolutely nothing to say. I'm bored. I will go read now. Ta Ta