Aug 20, 2004 22:21
OMG! i had an awsome day!!!
ok well this morning jae came and picked me up. see she saw my away message form last night and got all worried and concerened and she wanted to tal about it. she she drove over here and kidnapped me *bWHhahahaHAH!* and we went to the bagel plave by charlies house and we talked nd then we drove around for like and hour. and we takled about boys and school and life in general. it was a great talk! im happy we had it. im so sad that she's leaving for collage next week. im gonna cry but she coming hoe for a visit in october and if i not im puerto rico [we migh go october or nvoevmer] then i will see her and i will be all like HAPPY!! hehe oh jae how i shall me thee
well ok so jae drops me home and i get inside and im like hmm.. i should call up mr. micheal about today. so i call him up and we decided that me him and harry and kevin..if he could.. would go to the greek feast and i was all YAY! GREEK NESS! ..hah! i wore my gold necklace my daddy got me there of the parthonon and alexander the great. but we didnt know if it was him and mike and harry made me feel all dumb cuz i thought it was a god. then i though alex was a god and was greek but i was wrong about both. wow i know blot about my culture eh? lol so we walk from mikes to harrys and his brother was calling he the wrong names again .@_@ oy that kid scares me! he hates me. he trie to stab me againa nd i hide in a closet. then harry's dad came home early for some reason and i ws like "OH NO!" and we had to run upstairs to harry's room and we were all iek *spies* and running aorund being "quite" ha. to bad i was screaming cuz of the stabbing attempts on me. so we had to be like "hi mr. gonzagaz" and he like asked 32894392 questions and i said how harry calle dme a dirt greek and harry said i calle dhim a fithly mexican and his dad gave mea look liek "what!?" so i explianed it so then it was all good. yeah so we ate water melon and i took a pic of harry and mike making out @_@ oy vey! [they really worent though. shh. lets just pretend now ::nods:: ] and it was fun. so then form there we start to walk to the greek fest and we see clark! he was liek " ARIANA!!!" and i turn around and am all "CLARK! and he gave me a hug [ppl in i.p know him as cj {?}] so we all talk for a lil and then we start to walk to the park cuz the feast wasnt gonna star for like 30 min so we go thee. and some girl lindsy walked up with her boy friend. and i felt bad cuz she got hurt the day b4 at the greek fest on the gravatron. so yeah me and harry and mike were in the rocket and wrote "ariana loves mike" and "harry i smy sex pot" with my eyeliner. yeah we had no marker. so i did it with eyeliner. i chopped off so much of it after words. it would gross me out to use it without taking some of it off so yeah. anywayss. so CiCi came walking up with chris[jesus] and we chilled and then me and CiCi had a really nice convo. i was happy about that. we got our feelings out and stuff, and it was good for us, cuz now were liek good friends. [sorry i didnt say bye, i really had to getto mike's my mom was on her way already] so then megin melissa stien kevin chris [<3 hehe ] stein..errr..and like 5 other kids that i cant thinkof there nams off the top of my head [harry mike or kevin,,yeah, czn ya hel me out hea? lol] so yeah...well me and chris talked and we went in the rocket and i got thirsty so we went to his house so i would have to walk to 7-11 and buy a water bottle, so yeah, we had fun [the ppl that were there know what i mean..hehe good time. good time. but me and mike had a talk when we had to walk back to his house and when we were on the swings at the bay/beach/park thingy by his house and it made me see what a mistake i made. but yeah. so i went him and that were i am right now so yeah.
xoxo ariana
listen we don't pay admission and the bouncers don't check us
and we walk a r o u n d the metal detecors