Ok, I’m getting tired of this, I don’t think I ask much of y’all, do I? But I’m asking this of you. Please, please go read my blog (
http://invisiblewriterpoet.blogspot.com/), & please comment, even if you don’t know what to say, say something. The reason I put it up in the first place is to get comments. It can & often is incredibly personal. It also can be incredibly depressing…for this reason, anyone under 17 is excused for fulfilling this request. If you’re under 17, you could probably just ignore this entirely. But my poetry is one of the only things that is incredibly important to me, & I want to know that the people I care about & that care about me would be willing to take a little time out of their week or month or whatever to give me the courtesy to read the stuff & comment, even if it stinks…you you’re welcome to say so. Just…please do this, the reason I rarely update any of my blogs is because no on ever comments so I assume that no one is reading it, or no one cares, or both…that & I rarely ever have anything new to say. I know y’all are busy, I get that. That’s why I don’t get many or any emails, or calls, or letters or even comments. That’s probably even the excuse I give myself for not keeping in touch as much as I should. But that’s not the issue here. The point of this is to vehemently ask that you go read & comment on my blog I set up for posting my poetry. So, please do so.
This post will be in my pleo, & lj, & if I can manage it my AIM profile.