[ooc] application

Oct 14, 2009 14:12

ooc info
NAME Tiffany
JOURNAL arcesso
CONTACT INFO aim/email/msn/whatever

ic info: basic
CHARACTER Claire Bennet
CANON POINT Halfway through 3x02.
PERSONALITY Claire is generally a nice girl - popular, cheerful, easy to get along with. However, she also has a certain degree of pettiness. She holds grudges like a bitch, though, and has a predisposition towards seeking revenge at any cost. She's incredibly spirited and not just in the cheerleader sense. She puts herself heart and soul into every decision she makes, even when it's just... decisive confusion. Claire is out to find out who she is and it ends up making her a very passionate person.

She's also fiercely independent and while she seeks her father's approval and puts his opinion on a ridiculous pedestal, she still often disregards his advice and warnings to ~*go her own way*~.

HISTORY Claire has lived in a standard suburban lifestyle her entire life. She learned that she was adopted at 8, saved from a car crash that killed all of her family. However, after she discovers her ability, it leads her down a road that proves that neither of her parents were actually killed. Meredith still lives in Kermit, Texas, and Claire visits her, and her father, Nathan Petrelli, is in New York. Her trust in her adoptive family begins waning back and forth, but it only temporarily shakes her trust in her adoptive father, who continues to be a huge influence in her life as she avoids the Company and continues to ~*self-discover*~. And attempt suicide, but whatevs, mang, different strokes for different folks.

If my explanation sucks dick.
ic info: samples
THIRD PERSON "My name is Claire Bennet and this is attempt number eight." It feels a little like she's talking to herself, but I guess as far as people she'd like to talk to right now, the list is short anyway. She squats down, out of the vision of the camera for a moment, and grabs something. When she stands back up, it's visible - a stick of dynamite. Walking backwards, she moves about 200 meters away from the camera. She's harder to see, but it's still visible when she pulls a lighter from her pocket and sets the fuse off. In thirty seconds, the dynamite combusts and takes half of her body with it.

It takes her to minutes to fully regrow, but when she does, she's blinking tears out of her eyes and walking back to the camera, muttering. "Nothing." She tries to keep her face out of the screen as she takes it off the tripod and shuts off the recording, watching the video with morbid interest.

FIRST PERSON I haven't kept one of these before. I guess... maybe I should have. You'd think that a regular journal would be step one on the way to a video diary, but I guess I've never really done anything the normal way. Maybe I should be more clear.

My name is Claire Bennet, and I'm... not normal. I mean, I know a lot of people think they aren't normal. That they're 'special' - that's what Dad calls it anyway. Sylar said that, too, come to think of it. Anyway.

Nevermind. I'm not making any sense, this was a bad idea.

I can do things that other people can't. I can walk away from falling off a skyscraper. I can plow a car into a building at 100 miles an hour, I can... survive anything. Well, anything I've tried so far. Anything that would kill a normal person. I guess that definitely means I'm not normal, but does it even make me a person? I'm not sure anymore. These powers. They don't feel like a blessing.

!ooc, !application, !verse: atbf

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