Oct 21, 2010 22:08
[It's been a while since Asuka's used the comms--he's been around, and he's been listening, but he's been trying to familiarize himself with the ship more than anything.
It's -weird-, it's the weirdest place he's ever fathomed. Every deck has something new, something -unusual-... even the one deck that might have felt close to home, the 15th deck down, is strange--it's completely flooded, and Asuka's sure he's heard something -moving- in the water.
But the oddest thing to him is the sun in the sky on the top deck. For one, it's a singular sun, but he's slowly coming to terms with it, no matter how much he dislikes it. But what he hates is all the water around them, all that water being wasted when other places like Desuya needed it so desperately.
Even that he can deal with, so long as "dealing with it" was more akin to "glaring at it sometimes when he's on the top deck."
But it's the sunset that stymies him.
So when Asuka speaks, he sounds distracted--and he is. He's watching the sun go down, the way the reds and purples and pinks all bleed into the sky, and it's gorgeous but it's perverse, and it's the most disturbing thing he's ever seen.]
...Why does the sun die every night?
Yeah, that's it. Asuka might be asking his usual inane questions, but he's not as rambunctious as he usually is--he's contemplating the world.
Wanna go and bug him? :>]
OOC EDIT: [Also, later on tonight you'll be able to find him in the bar, drinking and carrying on a conversation with... his shadow? Yes, and -yes-, Asuka is sitting drunk and chattering wildly with his own shadow. He looks to be having a great time, too...!]
a dream is a wish your heart makes,
not this world of mine,
not all laughter and snark,
srs 'suka is being srs for once