Žukadim - Song II

Apr 02, 2010 21:59

Post for 29/3/10

Another traditional lullaby, this one a Timé one. As such it is sung in standard Žukadim.

Jonemut Xékojuč

Jonemut xékojuč
Ti če bago su venjuč
Mi juče-venesku
Melecin nil xémumu

Jonemut ivenec
Su dipam beni-tevec
Mi noje, če spasil
Ba Malik ben zut netil

Sleep, my prince
When you wake you will learn
To master the art of war
Little soldier who is my bubby

Sleep, victor
You will strike at the hearts
Of 9 in 20, on the holy day
On which God's victory awaits you

mumu - 'bubby' from mužin (baby, small child) - diminutive of muž (child)
beni-tevec - '9 in 20', calling to mind destruction like that of (literal) decimation

song, žukadim

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