and another week crawls by

Sep 25, 2005 19:29

The days have seemed extra long these last two weeks, it wactually feels like I've been back at school for months. Everything seems to be going well, me and the roomies get along swell and there's still only three of us so lots of room in the fridge.

Made it to my first wrestling practice on Friday. I oculd only stay for an hour but I'll be going Monday, Tuesday AND Friday this week so it's all good. Lots of new faces out, it's a shame I was the only girl there but thats what happens when there's only three of us. Apparently some new girls have been checking it out so hopefully they'll be there monday.

First soccer game was this afternoon. We tied Skule, and I blame it all on those friggen narrow fields. The game was like a pinball machine, I barely saw the ball at all because the other team kept goign down our right side and I was playing left defence. But I know why they were staying away from my side of the field, I was totally creaming everyone who tried to take it down my side.

So school's been going good, only had one quiz so far but that will change after this week. I plan on seeing corpse bride sometime this week as well, with various ppl.

I get to miss my row meeting tomorrow becuase I'll be downtown till late at the Athletic Centre. I'm only 1Kg over my weight class right now which is perfect because y ou definitly don't want to be under otherwise you should drop a weight class. (that would be really hard for me) Timur asked me if I gained weight, I was like "No, I just got fat." Coach laughed pretty good at that. Timur dropped a weight class so now he's all scrawny. Havn't seen Karen or Natasha yet so dunno if they balooned or dropped.

Thats all I can really think of right now. I'm going over to Jim's to watch animation domination and then I'll hit the gym becuase its rez gym night from 9-12.

So I hope this is a good week for myself and I'll add some more crap to this next time I feel talkative.
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