To See on DVD:
Inglorious Bastards, I’ve never seen one of Quinten Tarantino’s films in theatre, and I don’t think I could. Love them but I need to walk away from the violence sometimes.
District 9, I think I’ll pee myself if I see this in theatres.
The Shrink, interesting, but not willing to hunt for a theatre that’s showing it.
Ponyo, just don’t feel like driving into Baltimore, plus I would rather watch the Japanese language than listen to Miley Cyrus’ little sister even if that means giving up Cate Blanchett.
Taking Woodstock, looks cute and fun.
Bright Star, I will have to see this or else Skarda will kill me. I hope they keep Keats a virgin.
Precious, looks really depressing, but I've heard good things.
To Watch Illegally/When Someone else is paying for it:
The Last Airbender. Not even going there.
Keep an Eye of the Development of:
Rapunzel, Kristen Chenowith and gorgeous concept art. Must see.
Johnny Quest, Zac Efron and The Rock. I don’t think it’s going to be good, but I’m so curious.
Red Dawn, How are they going to rework this propaganda?
The Green Hornet, love Seth Rogen, please no Camron Diaz.
Wonder Woman, come on already!