Jun 05, 2003 17:30
K here goes Caitlin!
1. Do you still RP? If not, what do you miss about it?
Yes I still RP. I actually do quite a bit of it even on b.net. I just don't use any of my old names when I do. Although I'm thinkin of making a come back on b.net with one of my old names. Fun huh? lol I need to get back to posting on Arcadia too..keeps me sharp!
2. What was your favorite RPG?
Hmm favorite? Well there were about 16 of us a few years ago who used to RPG with Vampire. I loved that.. and it was so cool cause you were in the same room as others.
3. You're a character in a work of great literature. Who are you?
In great literature? Oooo hmm Is there a definition of "great literature" I have to follow? I would love to be Arwen from the Lord of the Rings because she has such a magical gift and loving heart.
4. Tell me all about your tattoos. If you don't have any, tell me about the ones you'd like to have.
I have five paws on my left breast. I got those for my 20th birthday. I chose them because I'm a little wild! I also have a butterfly with tribal lines behind it on my front right hip. The next one I get is going to be a wolf pup on my back.
5. Where did you get the name Invictus Aurora?
I got that name from my best friend Michelle.. We were thinking up names for children when we get older because we want to name one of our daughters the same.. kinda. Like here would be Invictus Aurora and mine would be Aurora Invictus.
6. What fascinates you most about wolves?
Their unity... the whole pack thing. I never really had a group of ppl who loved me unconditionally and wolves do. They protect each other and guide each other. The know how to communicate with each other... so few humans do.
Ok.. so I answered the questions...
May I interview you?