Aww.. Sorry guys

Jun 18, 2009 17:36

Hey everyone!

Wow.. I haven't been around much. Sorry >.>

Here's a short list of (important) things that have happened since I last updated..
  • In refernce to my last ancient post, I didn't get a part in my school's play. And while I was sad initially, it's ok. And anyway, Much Ado will always be special in my head.
  • I'm going hiking again! But it gets better - we'll be where it snows. I'm really hoping for good weather, otherwise it will be horrible. But if we have nice weather, it should be a lot of fun. I've never been camping in the snow before.. Have any of you? Any hints? I'm going beacuse I'm doing the Duke of Edinburgh programme. This will be the last thing I have to do before I finish my gold :D
  • My friends and I had our formal last Friday! It was amazing. We had pre drinks at a friend's house, we took a limo to the venue, we danced a lot - and my feet were dying - and then we had an afterparty at my house. It was quite possibly the best night of my whole life. :D
  • Lol, last week we did the GAT, or General Achievement Test. It's something we - being all of Victoria - have to do as part of our senior year studies. And some genius decided that we should all mention George Clooney in our written responses to freak out the assessors. It was hilarious!  We even made the newspaper!
  • We have holidays in just over a week, thank god.  We get three weeks, which shall be grand.
What about all of you?  What interesting things have been happening?  Anything exciting?

Hopoe you're all well :)

camping, friends, school

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