Mar 15, 2009 10:16

Wow.  That was amazing.  I'd heard quite a few really good things about it, but still.  Wow.

It's one of those movies that just kinda stay with you for a long time after you've seen it.  I can't decide if it's in a brilliant or chilling kinda way.

I was quite glad they put eveything in.  Like Dr Manhattan and his mostly naked scenes - I think a lot of movies would have danced around the fact that he's naked, but the way they did it was, though a little distracting, perfect.

Everythign was good about the movie: the soundtrack (Race of the Valkyries in the Vietnam War?  Heck yes!), the cinematography, the CGI, the acting, the depth of the characters, the plot.  It was all amazing.

Hats off to the lot of them.  If I could make a movie that was that good, I'd be damn happy.

In news that is only a little relevant, I went and saw it with my sort-of boyfriend, and on the way home he said yes to me properly.  So now he's my proper boyfriend :D

ETA: I just found this userpic.  And had to use it.  It's so perfect :D

watchmen, movies

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