Nov 6 - Wizengamot session

May 30, 2006 10:49

Who: Members of the Wizengamot, Minister Dolores Umbridge, Rufus Scrimgeour and various aides, assistants and special guests
When: Thursday, November 6, around 10am
Where: Courtroom Ten, Ministry for Magic, London
What: Rufus proposes somthing to the Wizengamot

He made his way through the halls of the Ministry, showered after last night’s battles and wearing his full dress uniform, the cuts and bruises still fresh. Reaching the level of the Wizengamot, he knocked on the heavy oaken doors with his cane. Announcing himself to the clerk, he went inside and waited until there was an open moment in the session.
"Mister Rufus Scrimgeour, head of Magical Law Enforcement would like to address the Wizengamot," the clerk announced.
Rufus stood and made his way to the centre of the room slowly, his limp more pronounced after the stress from yesterday as he looked up at the wizards gathered in plum coloured robes.
"Chief Warlock, members of the Wizengamot, I felt the need to address your esteemed council after the events of yesterday. An unprovoked and unprecedented attack devastated London and a second attack aided in the escape of numerous criminals from Azkaban. This happened just over a month after Tom Riddle attacked Hogwarts, where numerous innocent lives were lost. It has become apparent that our current leadership is incapable of preventing such atrocities. Steps must be taken to ensure the safety of the wizarding world. Therefore, I would like to propose to the council a vote of no confidence in Minister Umbridge and to impose martial law so that the lives of wizards and witches throughout Britain can be safeguarded."

*Tiberius Ogden*
He raised a hand warily as if to soothe Rufus.
"Mr. Scrimgeour, what you ask this body to do is virtually unprecedented in the History of the Wizengamot and the Wizarding Government... It is not outside our remit, but such an action while considered on a few, special occasions, has only been performed once. Given the gravity of the current events, and your own record, we will hear this case...." He turned to one side. "Send a clerk to fetch Umbridge, she'll need to be present for this..."

*Griselda Marchbanks*
"We should hold off until we have a few more members here, there's a few folks who couldn't make it in today... Do you really have that level of evidence, Rufus?"

"I believe I do, my Lords," he said, scanning between the elders as he turned to Alessandra and motioned for her to come forward, glad she had decided to wear full wizarding robes for once.
"I have compiled evidence from her time in office that will prove she is unfit to lead in this time of turmoil. Our wizards and witches must be kept safe. We must take action instead of simply reacting to Tom Riddle's attacks."

He nodded gravely.
"Yes... Well... You may have a point. I will be serving as Chief Warlock for the duration of this inquiry; we thought Zev might present a conflict of interest. Is this suitable or do you wish to petition for another Chief Warlock... And who is this young lady, for the records, you understand?"

"This is suitable. May I present to the court my secretary, Miss Alessandra Torres," he said, extending a hand towards Alessandra and smiling when she bowed.
"Am I correct in assuming we will wait for the Minister to arrive before proceeding?"

He nodded slightly in response to her bow and adjusted his pince-nez.
"Yes, welcome Miss Torres. We should wait for the Minister to be able to present her own case, yes. There's a few more of our number being roused from their offices as we speak, as well... We will have a quorum, don't worry."
He shot a glance at Griselda; if anyone was going to be dragging her heels trying to buy Umbridge time it was she.

Just then the doors to the chamber burst open and Umbridge scurried in, the clerk who had been sent to fetch her and a rather harried looking young woman in her wake.
"This is an outrage. On today of all days, that I should have to be dragged before the Wizengamot... And you Rufus, how could you?"

"With all due respect, Minister, I am only staying faithful to the vows I took when I was sworn in as an Auror. I am simply trying to make Britain safe and rid it of Tom Riddle once and for all. And martial law will accomplish that," he said.

"Martial Law? Are you mad? This isn't Germany."
She took a deep breath.
"I apologize, My Lords, my outburst was unprofessional."
She waved a hand and the harried looking young lady scurried to her side.
"My personal secretary Marietta Edgecombe. My aide-de-camp Pyrite will be along shortly with some evidence and related materials."

He nodded.
"Understandable. Yesterday was stressful for all of us. But don't let it happen again or we will place you in contempt. Also, the Wizengamot recognizes Miss Edgecombe." He gestured to Rufus. "I think we're ready to proceed."

He stayed silent for the moment, watching as the rest of the Wizengamot filed in. Silence was probably the best option in this situation. At least until he was asked for his opinion, because he knew they would charge him with being biased.

"Thank you, my Lords," he said as he motioned to Alessandra to distribute their papers to the members of the Wizengamot.
"As you can see, I have documented every act Minister Umbridge has undertaken since she arrived in office following the Battle of Stonehenge. Since that time, Britain has not gotten safer. While the summer passed without incident, things have deteriorated greatly. September saw a battle at Hogwarts, countless innocent lives lost and the reappearance of Tom Riddle. Instead of providing an explanation, Minister Umbridge sought to downplay the battle and push it under the rug. The people of Britain deserve better. When Hogwarts reopened in October, the Minister's initiatives did nothing about the Death Eaters at Hogwarts. It was an independent investigation, led by the head of the Aurors, Mister Sirius Black, that realised there were Death Eaters among the students at Hogwarts and arrested them."
He paused and took a breath.
"Last time, Tom Riddle, who we were informed had been vanquished, reappeared in the body of one Cade Fawkes and destroyed monuments in this very city, sending both the muggle and wizarding worlds into a panic. Also, Riddle's forces attacked Azkaban - information that was deliberately withheld from the public. While Aurors subdued them, there were unfortunately, a few escapees. In light of all these events, I propose a vote of no confidence in Minister Dolores Umbridge."

He flipped through the papers.
"I would remind the Wizengamot, that Mr. Scrimgeour's new position as Minister of Security does grant him the authority to propose this initiative. It also grants him the authority to propose martial law."
He looked up at Rufus.
"This is your intention, yes? To do away with a millennium of tradition and impose direct martial law over the wizarding community of Britain."

"My intention is to keep the people of Britain safe. I propose to impose temporary martial law, in collaboration with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the Aurors, and the Wizengamot," he said.
"It my belief that with the collaboration of this council and our security forces working directly over the people, we can prevent any further instances similar to last night."

He nodded.
"Well no one ever intends to impose permanent martial law... It just sort of ends up that way. But your suggestion is noted. And allowing the Wizengamot to remain with some measure of authority seems to me to be a statement that you will not be operating with any oversight. Your Security Department and the Aurors, MLE's, and golems it oversees being the closest thing we have to an army, I assume that would make you the de facto head of state... And how do our muggle counterparts feel about us declaring martial law?"

"As you'll see from the transcript of my conversation with the Prime Minister, located on page fifteen of the documents distributed, he supports a stronger military presence in the wizarding world in hopes of quelling these terrorist attacks. He is willing to go to any lengths necessary in order to ensure the peace and safety of Britain," he said.
4:11:10 PM davros42: *Tiberius*
He nodded and flipped to the relevant page, skimming it.
"Indeed. Well, it appears that you have some questions to answer Minister...."

"I move that we delay this vote to give the Minister time to defend herself. Mr. Scrimgeour has clearly had time to prepare his case, it'd only be fair to allow the Minister the same luxury."

"My Lords," he began. "With all due respect, I feel there is nothing to be gained from delaying a vote apart from leaving Britain vulnerable to attack. I have prepared my case after returning to the Ministry this morning after last night's battles and debriefings that followed. "

He nodded.
"I am inclined to agree. This matter should be settled as soon as possible. If the Minister is so inadequate that she cannot defend her performance to at least a moderate level of satisfaction then she should perhaps be replaced. Minister, do you have anything to say in your defence."

She stood.
"Indeed I do."
At that moment, Pyrite entered with two hooded figures, shorter than him. Umbridge looked intensely relieved.
"First of all, my administration has already caught and executed the criminal Fenrir Greyback and nearly exterminated his ring of werewolves. Facing a lack of manpower we went to the only alternative we had and began the manufacture of golems to supplement our forces. We also brought in my accuser, Mr. Scrimgeour to take special control over national security, giving him remit to take control of the College of Aurors and the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, in addition to virtually unlimited remit to create whatever organizations or department would be needed to ensure national security. If anyone failed in the past 24 hours, it has been him. Now... My office has of course been in touch with the Prime Minister and we have heard his request for a more... military presence. And to that end we are suggesting, in lieu of martial law and stretching the already undermanned forces, conscription and the augmentation of our golem forces. This time with wood golems, which are better at interpreting orders and thinking on their feet.
Our office has also taken a recruiting initiative." She gestured and the two hooded people let their cloaks drop to the floor. Coming to stand beside Umbridge were Cho Chang and Adeline Colombe. They were wearing variations on Auror uniforms, jet back and much more military looking.
"My office has gone the extra mile, finding Miss Colombe and convincing her to come to the support of her country. Her... therapy has made her recruitment a necessary secret but here she is. Miss Chang joined up this morning, agreeing to rise to her nation's call after her heroism last night."


"My Lords, these golems of the Minister's cannot be trusted. They have attacked students and was it not golems that were guarding Azkaban? They were defeated by a sixteen year old," he explained, trying to stay patient.

"And these heirs? They cause as much damage as they do good. Only last night, Miss Chang suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of Tom Riddle - who was bested by one Genevieve Deschamps. Perhaps it is her assistance we should be seeking."


She snorted.

"You failed Rufus. Your one job was to stop things like what happened tonight and you failed, miserably. Everything that happened tonight is on your head. The clay golems failed, someone, most likely Riddle got a relic into the hands of that boy. Something imbued with strong geomantic powers. If they attacked a student it was because one of your idiot Aurors, most likely the accused criminal who leads them who gave them shoddy orders..."


"Their orders came from you yourself, Minister," he said, his patience wearing thin. They needed to accomplish this via legal means.

"I have been doing nothing but cleaning up your messes since I returned to Britain."


"Ministers! I urge you both to remember where you are!" he said.


"Agreed Zev. You two will behave civilly. We understand, that there have been failures of late. More in foresight than anything else. Zev, you have more experience than anyone else on the Wizengamot with the actual act of Law Enforcement. What do you think? Could these events have been prevented or where they simply too big and too improbable to be considered?"


He sighed, shuffling the papers in his hands.

"To ask such questions is illogical, however I will try to answer them as best I can," he began.

"I do not believe the attack on Big Ben could have been prevented. However, I believe that those in power could have handled the situation differently. If Minister Umbridge claims to have such strong lines of defence, where were they? Why were children fighting at Parliament as they did at Hogwarts in September. I believe that for the past months, it has become evident that we have failed our children and the future of our wizarding world. I do not know if Minister Umbridge is entirely to blame, however, I believe changes must be undertaken. Mister Scrimgeour is well renowned for his skill as an Auror and strategist, skills that may be useful to our country."


"The fact remains that there cannot be martial law with no army. And Minister Scrimgeour cannot just use a vote of no confidence to make himself de facto Minister. This is an outrage."


He rubbed his temples.

"Yes, yes. I'm not sure this is getting us any further. And I'm not sure I appreciate the implied threat of having two Heirs hovering over us."


"There is no implied threat My Lord, the agreements would have been made public later today. Chang is going to serve as London's designated protector, while Colombe heads north to help Finnigan wipe out the last of the werewolves... Speaking of Finnigan, we're in negotiations with Seamus Finnigan as well, but he's not a British national, so it's hard to put him in the employ of the government. And as far as the mysterious French heroine goes, Grateful Byrne will be interviewing her later today... We've also take another known terrorist into custody... a former member of the so-called Cult of Pythagoras... the ring behind the kidnapping of Harry Potter last year. We've also assigned another freelance to hunting down leads on Tom Riddle... Adrian Weishaupt."


"Your theories and plans are admirable, Minister, but Britain needs results. Results that you have not given since coming into office," he said.


She scoffed.

"Do you even know what I was working with? Do you know the rundown state that Fudge left this government in? I've spent the past few months cleaning up hismesses. And now his lack of foresight in the matter of You-Know-Who comes back to bite me in the ass... You're kidding. My Lord, please, Mr. Evergreen is clearly not partial in this matter."


He sighed again and rubbed his forehead a little harder.

"No, he's probably not, but there are just as many on the Wizengamot who are biased in your favour, I'm sure. As I stated before, this is getting redundant, Minister Scrimgeour, do you have anything further to say?"


"No, My Lords, I believe the evidence presented speaks for itself," he said, bowing his head politely.


He nodded.

"Thank you Minister Scrimgeour. And you Minister Umbridge, any last words."


She tried to smile sweetly and failed.

"Just that you consider that I have done the best I could in trying times, My Lord."


He nodded.

"Believe me, we all know how trying times have been. We have still been unable to replace Amelia or Chamberlain since their deaths. Given the consequences of the votes at hand, I move we break for a deliberation period. I know that's rare for the Wizengamot, but this is a precedent setting vote. I also recommend that all non-essential personnel..." He cast a glance at the two stoic looking Heirs. "...Be removed from the Chamber. Please excuse us."


An hour or so later, the assembled members of the Wizengamot filed back into the Chamber, several of them did not look thrilled.

"Sorry for the delay. As could be expected it was a very divisive topic and there were several arguments for and against. In the end, the following was decided and agreed upon by most of the members. Minister Umbridge is an upstanding member of the wizarding community and has performed great service to it. However, give the enormity of the events into which she has been place, it appears even her talents are not enough. While it is possible that she could perform her job better, we do not find her negligent and therefore, we decline the vote of no confidence. However, Rufus Scrimgeour has also served the wizarding community well. He is a hero in both Wars, and is a leader of men. He may not have the day-to-day experience in running a government but he does inspire confidence in the public... and in a fair sized contingent of the Wizengamot. Therefore, we suggest the following compromise. Until the advent of the next general referendum... Which by the way, we suggest take place as soon as possible... the office of Minister of Magic is to be shared by you both. Rufus will handle the Security, Intelligence and Foreign Affairs, Dolores you will handle Domestic Affairs, the Treasury, Education, Public Health, etc. You will both answer to no one but us or the appropriate members of the muggle government. Also, you will be expected to cooperate, attempting to stonewall each other will be grounds for an immediate vote of no confidence. But we trust that it will not come to that. Is this acceptable to you both?"


He nodded. It was not what they had hoped for, but the groundwork had been laid. Now he just needed to make sure everything else transpired as planned. After all, he had to keep wizarding Britain safe.

"Of course, my Lords," he said, bowing his head respectfully.

She huffed and pouted briefly before smiling graciously. This was nearly just as bad as losing the vote outright, but at least she had time to pull things together.
"I will respect your wisdom, my Lords. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to continue to prove myself." She bowed as well.

He looked between Rufus and Dolores before turning to Tiberius. At least it hadn't turned to a brawl.
"Well, then, it seems that is all for the moment, unless anyone has anything they want to add."

He nodded; also grateful that things had appeared to go smoothly, of course that probably meant that things would just explode later. He caught Griselda making as if she was going to say something out of the corner of his eye.
"No. No, Zev, I think you're right. Given the short notice on which we convened and the events of last night, I think we should be grateful that things have been concluded so amicably. The Wizengamot is dismissed. Good day to you all."

He nodded, bowing his head respectfully and waiting until the council members got to their feet before turning and motioning to Alessandra to follow him. They had plenty to do. He wondered if Alessandra could have an effect on any of the members of the council.

cho, november 6, rufus, umbridge, alessandra, pyrite

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