Nov 5, evening, hufflepuff & the library - andrzej and Bastien

May 13, 2006 21:55

Who: Andrzej and Bastien
When: Wednesday, November 5, evening
Where: Hufflepuff dorms and the Library
What: Talking, escaping the crowds and then Bastien showing Andrzej something special

He glanced at his parchment as they made their way to Hufflepuff.
<< I don't understand what is happening. Do you want to go up to the dorm. I do not want to be around all these people, >> he said as he fidgeted, glancing around the common room.

Looking at his parchment too, he nodded.
<< I do not understand either... I.. I hope nothing happens here.... >> he said nervously.

He made his way upstairs, climbing onto his bed and wrapping the quilt around his shoulders.
<< Me neither.. >> he said softly. << Bastien... do not worry. We will be okay.. >>

Following Andrzej upstairs, he put his stuff on his bed. Fidgetting there a moment, he worried his lip before walking over to Andrzej's bed and climbing on it next to Andrzej.
<< Are you certain? I... I do not want what happened to Beauxbatons to happen here... >>

He wrapped the quilt around Bastien's shoulder.
<< Yes. Of course, >> he lied, not sure he could handle another attack. But he didn't know this country. He didn't know anywhere safe to run to.
SvenTReilly: *Bastien*
Curling up against Andrzej, he swallowed hard as he pulled his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them.
<< I wonder what is really going on... At Azkaban and at Parliament... >>

He shrugged as he bit his lip.
<< I do not now... Maybe we should just stay here...>> he said quietly.

Fidgeting nervously, he nodded.
<< Maybe that is best... I do not like being underground though... >>

<< We could try to sneak up to the library.. >> he suggested quietly.

He smiled softly.
<< I would not mind being in the library... The windows there are wonderful... >>

He nodded.
<< Shall we, then? >> he asked, playing with the quilt, hoping they'd make it there outright.

He nodded.
<< We can try at least... Maybe they will be too worried about other things to notice us... >>

He nodded.
<< I hope so, >> he said as he wrapped the quilt around his shoulders and headed for his trunk, pulling out his whittling supplies and his juggling bean bags.

Getting off the bed, he grabbed a blanket of his bed and a book.
<< How should we go then? >>

<< I do not now. Maybe just try to sneak out ? Hope no one notices, >> he suggested quietly.

He nodded as he took a deep breath.
"I think the saying is, 'here goes nothing'. That seems like the best plan."

He nodded as they made their way down the stairs, and crept along the edge of the common room, heading for the door.

Following Andrzej, he worried his lip as he focused on walking quietly and not tripping and falling.

Managing to get out of the common room, he waited for Bastien, wrapping an arm around the other boy.
<< It will be okay, >> he reassured both of them.

He smiled softly at Andrzej, the worry that kept forming in his stomach since Monday twisted to life again. It was stupid. He shouldn't worry about that. Sirius was obviously wrong.... Nodding, he wrapped his arm around Andrzej as well.
<< Of course. You are here, so it will be alright... >> he said softly.

He chuckled.
<< You place too much faith in me, >> he teased, watching Bastien a bit nervous as they reached the library and settled into Bastien's normal spot.
<< You have been extra quiet the past few days. >>

He smiled softly.
<< You have always been there for me, Andrzej, and I owe you my life. >>
Settling down into his usual spot, he wrapped his blanket around himself as he looked at Andrzej curiously.
<< What do you mean? >> he asked quietly.

He adjusted the quilt around himself.
<< Just.. you have not done anything more with the animagus things... and you have not taken your nose out of book much, >> he said quietly.

He shrugged slightly as he fidgeted with his book.
<< I have not had much interest in the class lately... >> he said softly. << I'm sorry... I have just had a lot on my mind... >>

He studied the other boy, adjusting his quilt around his shoulders.
<< I .. I don't mean to pry, I just worry about you, >> he said quietly, pouring out his bag on the floor and idly examining the blocks of wood in various states of being carved.

Sighing, he shook his head slightly.
<< You aren't prying, Andrzej, it's just... It is just something on my mind that I am not sure what to make of it. I know I am stupid for even thinking about it this much, but... I'm sorry. That I've been distant.... >>

He frowned as he studied the other boy.
<< What is it? I'll help if I can, >> he said quietly.

He laughed slightly as he shook his head.
<< It is really very stupid... Monsieur Black thinks that I am some sort of Dark Creature... Like the ones that I read to you about in that book he gave me... It is ridiculous, no? >>

He made a face.
<< What? He thinks you a werewolf or something? >> he asked in confusion.

Laughing, he shook his head adamantly.
<< No, no. I think we would both be very aware if I was a werewolf... >>
Sighing, he shook his head slower this time.
<< He thinks that I am part changeling... >> he said quietly.

He scrunched up his face.
<< What do you mean part changeling? >> he asked softly, his hand reaching out to squeeze Bastien's.

He sighed as he shook his head again and squeezed Andrzej's hand back.
<< He means to think that one of my parents or my grandparents are a changeling. The animals that can change into people and lure young girls away, >> he said, his aggravation at the suggestion rising again as he spoke.

He frowned, squeezing bastien's hand nervously.
<< Why does he think this? >> he asked softly.

He shook his head.
<< I don't know... He chased me and scared me and I transformed into a horse and he said that I could do it because I was part changeling and that I needed to accept the fact, but none of the information in the book makes sense if what he says is true. >>

His face lit up.
<< You transformed into a horse?! That's amazing! That's incredible! Do you think you could do it again? >> he asked, not really paying attention to anything else Bastien was saying.

Blushing slightly, he nodded as he fidgeted slightly.
<< I didn't realize it at first... I just wanted to get away from him quickly... >>
Glancing around the library, he played with the bottom of his braid slightly.
<< I... I tried it again and it worked. I wanted to see if I could do it without being scared, so yes, I could do it again... >>

He chewed on his lip.
<< Could you show me? >>

He looked around again nervously before nodding towards the stacks.
<< We should find someplace more sheltered... >>

<< We could go to the history section. No one ever goes there. And no one's supposed to be out anyways... >> he suggested.

He pouted slightly.
<< The history section is not that bad. There are interesting books about history... >> he said as he stood up.

He chuckled.
<< Interesting for you, >> he teased, getting to his feet and heading over to the history section of the deserted library, his quilt wrapped around his shoulders and dragging behind him.

Following Andrzej, he rolled his eyes slightly.
<< You do not mind it when I read it to you. All the tales about King Arthur are technically history in some way, >> he pointed out before looking around as they got to the back history section.
Fidgeting slightly, he looked at Andrzej worriedly.
<< Promise that you will not freak out like you did with Monsieur Black. >>

<< I could never freak out about you, >> he said with a reassuring grin.

Smiling at the reassurance, he nodded before taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. Focusing really hard, he finally opened his eyes when he felt his balance shift so that he was on four legs instead of two. Looking down to make sure he had done it right, he huffed out a sigh of relief before looking at Andrzej hopefully, his tail swishing back and forth and his ears pricked forward.

His eyes went wide with wonder as Bastien morphed. This was different. A horse wouldn't hurt anyone.. Walking towards Bastien, he ran his hand over his neck and side.
<< That's amazing... >> he said quietly.

Huffing out another sigh of relief, he relaxed when Andrzej walked towards him. Craning his neck, he nickered softly as he nuzzled Andrzej's arm.

He grinned, rubbing his head against bastien's neck before wrapping his arms around Bastien's neck.
<< You are amazing, Bastien. I do not care what makes you be able to do this. It is amazing. And you would never hurt anyone. Have you run like this? >>

Curling his neck over Andrzej's shoulder, he huffed out another content sigh before shaking his head no. Unmorphing, he chuckled softly as he put his arms around Andrzej to keep balance.
<< No, I haven't been outside like that yet... Well, I haven't run when I just wanted to run I guess. I ran a bit in the classroom when Sirius scared me, but I did not realize it at the time... >>

He couldn't take the grin off his face.
<< We need to get outside so you can run properly.. somewhere with hills and wide open spaces, >> he said, his eyes going distant.
<< Maybe this is why you did not like riding horses, because you are one, >> he teased playfully. << Is that why you always steal apples? >>

He chuckled softly as he shook his head.
<< I do not think you will find some place here that has wide open spaces that are hilly. At least within the gates of the school, >> he teased back before pouting at Andrzej. << I like apples, that is why I steal them. Especially when I do not know when I will be able to get them next. >>

<< If you ever want to go outside, even here to play like that, I'll come with you, >> he said eagerly before his eyes lit up. << For the kumpania, we can teach you tricks as a pony! >>

He laughed as he shook his head.
<< And you think I will learn them better as a pony than I would as a human? >> he teased.

<< I think the crowd will prefer a horse doing tricks to a human. Humans do tricks all the time. Horses rarely do.. >> he said with a smile as he tugged on his braid.
<< Do... do you think I could maybe try riding you.. sometime... maybe? >>

He frowned slightly in thought before he shrugged.
<< I guess that you can. I never really thought of it.... >>
He looked a bit worriedly at Andrzej.
<< It doesn't hurt at all, does it? You won't be strapping a saddle and bridle on me, right?"

<< I think it would be like giving a piggy-back ride to someone, >> he said with a shrug.
<< I am a gypsy, I do not need a saddle and bridle to ride a horse, >> he teased. << Especially one as sweet tempered as you. >>

He laughed as he rolled his eyes.
<< You assume that I am a sweet tempered horse. Maybe I am one of those ornery ones that does not let anyone ride him, >> he teased.

He pouted.
<< Then what would be the point of my best friend being a horse? >> he teased.

He chuckled more.
<< Well, maybe you are the exception to the rule... >> he teased back.

He grinned.
<< I can handle being the exception, >> he teased.

He smiled sheepishly as he shifted his weight from foot to foot.
<< Maybe... if they let us out tomorrow and when we don't have class, we could try and find a hidden place to try things with my new form... >>

He grinned and hugged Andrzej.
<< You're the best, >> he said. << I have got to be the luckiest boy on the planet. >>

He laughed more as he wrapped his arms around Andrzej and hugged him tightly.
<< I think you are a very rare person who thinks himself lucky for the mere fact that his friend can turn into a horse. >>

<< I am lucky because you are my friend. That you can turn into a horse simply sweetens my situation, >> he said with a grin.

He smiled softly.
<< I am just as lucky then. Although I would prefer if you did not turn into some sort of animal. >>

<< Don't worry then, I don't think I am able to, >> he said with a chuckle. << So, what shall we do to pass the time? >>

He shrugged slightly before smiling sheepishly at Andrzej.
<< Well... I am not in the mood to sit around and read... >> he said softly.

november 5, bastien, andrzej

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