Monday, October 27, after lunch, Great Hall - Bastien/Ron

Mar 13, 2006 22:40

Who: Ron, Bastien
What: A friendly game of chess
When: Monday, October 27th, after lunch
Where: The great hall, Hufflepuff table

Kissing Hermione quickly before she took off for gods knew what class - Ron had given up trying to keep track - he took a final bite of his lunch and reached under the bench for his knapsack. He spotted Bastien over at the Hufflepuff table, sitting with one of the other Beauxbatons transfers - Andry? - and smiled a little. Harry'd already gone off to sit with Jade or something, and Ron figured he'd seize on his free afternoon to maybe catch up with his kind-of friend from the library. He headed over towards the Hufflepuffs.
"Hi, Bastien," Ron greeted the grey-haired boy.

Looking up from his conversation with Andrzej, he smiled as he saw the familiar red-haired boy from the library.
"Hello... Ron, is it not?"

He nodded and pointed to the seat next to Bastien. "Mind if I sit down? I'm didn't mean to interrupt..."

Glancing over at Andrzej, he bit his lip slightly at the put-out look the other boy had. Looking between Ron and Andrzej, he shifted uncomfortably as Andrzej got up and mumbled something about the animal shed and Charlie to him in French before heading off. Huffing out a sigh, he frowned slightly as he watched Andrzej go before he waved his hand towards the seat and nodded.
"It is alright. I am sorry about that. It is alright that you interrupted," he said softly.

He frowned a little at the exchange between the two, feeling like he was intruding on something. "I'm sorry," he apologised, shifting and sitting down. "I was wondering if maybe you'd be interested in playing a game of chess?" He looked hopeful and pulled out the case. "I brought my set, just in case..."

A grin spread over his face as his eyes lit up at the suggestion and the case.
"I would love to. I have not gotten to play in a long time. Andrzej, he does not have the patience for it. At least when it is nice outside. He would rather be down with the animals."

He nodded and grinned back at Bastien. "Charlie was like that, too, when I was growing up - erm, he's the Care of Magical Creatures professor now, so I guess I should call him 'Professor Weasley.'" He blushed heavily. "But he's my brother, y'know? Hard not to think of him as being the same person who used to bring all sorts of critters into the Burrow..." He shook his head. "And no one at home will play me anymore... and Harry's no good for it; he always uses the same moves and it's boring. I can beat him in fifteen minutes. So it's been awhile since I've had a new opponent..." He grinned at Bastien. "You're not busy right now, are you?"

He nodded as he smiled.
"Andrzej speaks of Professor Weasley a lot. He adores him and his animals. If he did not have other classes and did not have to worry about me, I imagine he would spend all his day down at the barns with the animals."
He shook his head slightly.
"I am not busy. All that I have to do this afternoon is homework. I would be spending the whole afternoon focusing on the mirror for animagus training most likely."

"I'm glad Andry," Ron butchered his name, "gets on with Charlie. There aren't a lot of students who really like the animals, not the way he does. I think it gets to him a little bit."
He made a face at the mention of the animagus mirrors. "Erg... right. I need to work on that, too... but maybe after a game of chess, my mind will be more relaxed and receptive towards it or something." He put the case on the table. "So... are you done eating?" he asked, snagging a cupcake from one of the passing dessert trays. "We could go ahead and start..."

He smiled sheepishly.
"Andrzej says that I focus too much on it, but I really want to be able to do the transformation. It would be spectacular..."
Pushing his plate of salad away, he nodded as he grabbed an apple or two from the fruit bowl and stuffed them in his pockets.
"I am ready to play if you are."

"It will be pretty cool, yeah?" he agreed, opening the case and pulling out the pieces. "Did you want to be white or black? You should probably be white... it's my set and they know me pretty well... you'll need all the help you can get, and the white king is a pretty good strategist. He'll cooperate, whereas I have to coax the black king to even listen to me."

He smiled in appreciation.
"Thank you," he said as he helped Ron with the pieces. "My grandfather's set is like that sometimes. Though he has problems with his black knight. It is too romantic and will take turns when he is not meant to because he sees that he can take a piece, even if it is not in mind with the best strategy."

He grinned and started to set up the black side. "Watch out for your kingside rook," he offered. "He likes to charge when he's not supposed to... I think he likes plowing forward and knocking other pieces off. Nuts, really."
He finished setting up his side, though he had to switch his bishops because one of them started to leer at his queen and the king was sending the bishop menacing looks. "Okay, I think I'm ready. You?"

Setting up his side, he studied the set, ignoring the somewhat wary glances the pieces were giving him. After switching a few of the pawns around, he nodded.
"I am ready now."

Putting his hand between the mutinous bishop and the king, Ron nodded. "Okay," he agreed, keeping the pieces separate. "You first... let's see what they teach you in France." He grinned up at Bastien, ignoring the king, who was now trying to poke through Ron's fingers to get at the offending bishop.

He couldn't help but laugh at the scene going on at the other side of the board. Considering the pieces for a moment, he nodded slightly as he sent one of his middle pawns two spaces forward.
"Hopefully I prove to be an adequate match for you."

He stoicly ignored the king, but put his thumb on top of the piece to keep him from attempting to climb over his hand. He considered the possible plays that Bastien might be considering, and decided to test him by moving one of his own pawns forward, two down from Bastien's. The pawn settled in grumpily, eyeing the white piece with obvious distaste.
"I'm sure you'll be adequate," Ron said, smiling at him. "It'll be nice to play someone whose moves I don't know... fresh, you know?"

He nodded.
"I understand. I have learned almost all of Granpapa's moves while he keeps forgetting all of mine. It is hardly fair..."
He studied the board for a moment before moving the pawn next to the pawn he moved the previous turn up one space.

He nodded a little at Bastien's move. Good, he didn't take the bait. He moved a pawn from in front of his king's-side rook forward two spaces and saw the castle-shaped piece shake with anticipatory rage.
"So," he said, thumb still firmly atop the king, "how long have you been playing?"

He smiled as he moved one of his higher pieces farther into the open.
"I have played for a long time. There is not much to do at my Granmama's and Granpapa's other than reading, playing chess, or playing my instruments."

They fell quiet for several moves, Ron having to coax a couple of pawns to take one for the team ("It's your job," he insisted. "You're pawns!") so he could get his power pieces into a favourable position. Bastien had pulled a couple of good moves on him that had nearly cost him a knight until his king nearly walked off the board in protest. Ron had finally noticed and quickly saved his knight (who was protecting the queen), managing to take one of Bastien's bishops in the process.
"Tough luck there, mate," he said as the pieces of the white bishop pulled their way off the board. "You live with your grandparents then? No siblings?"

He nodded as he used the shift in pieces to move his own knight into striking distance.
"Yes. I have lived with them all my life. My Mama... she died when I was little. My Papa followed her soon after.... They died before I could have any siblings. Check."

He nodded, sympathetic to Bastien's story. "That's awful," he said. "I'm sorry to hear that. I guess you didn't really know them, then?"
He blinked as Bastien checked him. How had he missed the knight? Checking the pieces around the board, Ron decided to move his queen-side rook, which had a clear shot at the white knight. The rook would also be safe from attack for at least two rounds... if Bastien was any good - which he seemed to be - he'd probably check with his queen on the next move, which would leave Ron's bishop free to get into position to... He let his train of thought continue for a moment before giving the rook its directions. The black castle charged forward and challenged Bastien's knight. A brief battle ensued before the knight limped off the field.

He nodded absently as he studied the board.
"I remember a little. At least of Mama. I remember she smelled sweet. Like the sweet, crisp smell of freshly cut grass. She had a beautiful voice too... I have a picture of them, my Mama and Papa, so I can always remember what they looked like even if I do not remember them fully," he said softly before ordering his queen forward. "Check."

He moved his bishop in between the path of the queen and his own king (who cheered him, having forgotten and forgiven the bishop's earlier attempts on the black queen). The bishop started making lewd gestures at the white queen - as he tended to do, as it upset her - and Ron felt a bit more confident. If Bastien's queen took his bishop, then he could take his queen with the black knight. If he didn't, it would be several moves before check again.
"She sounds like she was lovely," he commented. "My mum smells like freshly tilled earth... and cooking. And yarn. I don't know how she smells like yarn, but she does." He smiled.

He smiled wistfully as he studied the board.
"I wish I had known her better.... Granmama and Granpapa do not speak of her now.... I think it hurts them too much that she left..." he said quietly before looking up at Ron. "Does your mother knit? Maybe that is why she smells of yarn."

He blinked and laughed, realising that Bastien didn't know about his family's eccentricities, or his mother's annual Christmas presents. "Yeah, she knits pretty much non-stop," he said, gesturing to the jumper he was wearing, which was Gryffindor red with a large gold R on the front. "Gives us all sweaters every year for Christmas. It's kind of a running joke now, actually," he said, making a move. "Check."

He smiled softly.
"It must be nice though... It looks warm and comfortable. It must be comforting too to know that you are getting another sweater every year that your mother knit."
Looking at the move, he studied the board, pulling his braid over his shoulder and playing with it slightly. After thinking for a long moment, he moved to get out of the check as best he could while keeping his other pieces playable.

"I guess," Ron aquiesced. "I've never really felt like I was ever in danger of losing them..." He frowned and moved a piece, going on the offensive, deciding it was time to start to hunt Bastien's king. "I suppose I kind of take them for granted; since we've all made it this far more or less intact, I.. well, I guess I've always assumed they'll always be there. It's a bit daft, actually, now that I think about it. But it's easy to forget how many people here are orphans, or whose families were torn apart by the war."

Countering Ron's moves while still positioning his pieces into possible striking positions, he nodded slightly.
"I am lucky to have Granmama and Granpapa. 'Eve, she was not so lucky. She does not have anyone, though I am not sure about her muggle family."

He looked up sharply at the mention of 'Eve's name, face flushing automatically. Then he registered what Bastien said. "She's... an orphan?" he asked, caught off-guard.
Ron's other black knight took the opportunity, while Ron was distracted, to move out of his protective position and try to go after the white queen, though it left the black queen exposed. Ron noticed the movement too late. "No, blast it," he said, trying to stop the knight's movement. "I didn't tell you to move!" The black knight reared up in angry protest, ceramic hooves clattering down and stomping in frustration. "Oh, bugger all," he cursed. It was too late, and the knight's move had been made.

He made a slight face as the knight moved on its own. Playing with the end of his braid, he nodded slowly.
"Yes... she is. Her mother and father died during the summer. I am not sure when, I did not learn about it until I met her here again..."
Holding his piece from reacting to the knight's movement, he looked questioningly at Ron.
"I am sorry that what I said distracted you. If you like, we can nullify that move. It was not in your plan."

He sighed. "No, if I don't let him get his way, he'll never listen to me again." He looked sternly at the knight. "We'll let it play, this time." It wasn't a bad move... just not what he'd had planned.
"I didn't know about her family," he admitted quietly. "I had no idea... She doesn't have anyone, at all?"

He shook his head, sending his piece to take Ron's queen.
"Not that I know. I am not sure about her muggle grandparents, but... well... they are muggle. There will be much about her life that they just would not be able to understand."

He snorted gently. "There's much about her life..." He stopped himself, forcing back the rude comment. Bastien was 'Eve's friend, even if Ron was not. "I didn't know that she'd been through all that. I don't think Fred does, either, actually." He groaned as Bastien took his queen, then realised that his rook now had a clear shot at Bastien's queen. "Not that it makes what she did okay by any means," he said, directing his rook, which gleefully smashed Bastien's queen. "But... I don't know. It somehow makes it make sense." He shrugged, looking over the board. "Check."

After getting his king out of check, he looked confusedly at Ron.
"What did she do?" he asked confusedly, not sure if he wanted to know or not considering the things he had learned about 'Eve since arriving at Hogwarts.

He flushed, studying the board intently. "Well, the first night she was here, she went to a party in Hogsmeade, at my brothers' shop. She made out with Padma on a dare, then went back into the office with Fred less than an hour later. They did things in there... and were in the bath when the Aurors busted the party. And then a week later, she snuck out to go see Fred for dinner... and then stayed the night." He looked at Bastien significantly, hoping he understood what he was saying. "The next morning, when she got back to the castle, she sent him an owl with a note saying that she didn't want to see him anymore." He sounded bitter. "Fred was heartbroken... he never invites girls to dinner. He doesn't think most are worth keeping around. He saw something different in 'Eve... and she just... used him." He sighed heavily and realised his knight could check the king. He moved the piece. "Check"

Picking at his braid slightly, his face flushed bright red as he looked down at the table.
"She did that? I am confused..... I thought that she said she liked girls...."
Shaking his head, he sighed.
"I... I do not understand her... She... she was not like this at Beauxbatons. Or she at least did not act like this in the open. At the party..."
He shuddered slightly.
"She never acted like that at Beauxbatons... I am worry for your brother's pain."

"She did that," he affirmed, feeling bad that he was saying these things about 'Eve to her friend. Then a surge of annoyance rose up and thought that maybe she deserved it.
"I think she likes both... or maybe that's just an excuse." He shrugged.
"What was she like at Beauxbatons?"

"Well.... she was quiet and studious. I did not know her completely well, she was a year below me at Beauxbatons. But we were friends. She got along with people and tended to just stay out of the way...."
He bit his lip slightly.
"She... there were rumors... About her and our potions professor. I thought that people were making it up, but I guess it was true..."

His jaw dropped slightly at this, and he ignored the pieces on the board, all of which were trying to capture their attention so they'd continue with the game.
"She... with a professor? Wow..." He shook his head, horrible mental images of Snape and Slughorn plaguing his consciousness. "Please tell me that the professor was young, and not like Slughorn," he said, grimacing. "That's still pretty horrible... but the quiet bit doesn't sound like her at all. I wonder what makes someone change like that..."

He nodded slightly.
"She was young. Well, younger than most of the professors we have here. Not as young as your brother Charlie though. I guess she was good looking though. I.. I am not a good judge of such things though."
Playing with his braid, he sighed.
"I.. I do not know... Maybe it was her parents and Beauxbatons being destroyed.... I... Beauxbatons was pretty awful..."

He nodded. "Maybe," he acknowledged, pushing his hand through his hair. Well, he could understand lusting after a professor... it happened, he supposed. He'd just never met anyone who'd ever done anything about it.
"What happened?" he asked. "We only ever heard rumours..."

Wrapping his arms around himself, he curled up a bit in a ball as he focused down on the table.
"There was a man... He had this big black cloak and he opened it... and.. and... th-then all of th-these h-h-horrible d-demons l-leaped out... there- there was blood and sc-screaming..." he whispered.

Shit. He reached forward and touched Bastien's arm. "It's okay," he said quickly. "You don't have to tell me... you can stop." He could se how upset it was making the other boy. "Never mind. Forget I asked."

Flinching away from Ron's hand, he swallowed hard as he nodded.
"J'ai dommage. It is not your fault. I.. I just.... I still have nightmares.... I am sorry to have worried you."

He withdrew his hand, feeling stupid. "I should have known better, though. Nightmares..." He shuddered. "Those are no good."
He bit his lip, still feeling like a prat. "Um... so... did you want to continue the game? If we don't start playing again soon, the pieces will try tio finish for us..."

Blinking, he looked down at the game absently before finally focusing on it and nodding.
"Oh. Yes. I would like that," he said before studying the board and then moving his king out of check.

He breathed out, relieved that he'd somehow managed to manoeuvre them away from a dangerous topic. He focused on the game and felt a knot of dread form. No matter what he did, the black knight's earlier move had destroyed his strategy. It was only a matter of time before Bastien would get him into checkmate, barring a gross mis-step by the other boy.
"Bollocks," he muttered, staring and trying to figure out a new strategy, hoping that maybe he'd see something he'd missed.

Looking over the board, his brow furrowed at Ron's muttering. Tilting his head slightly to the side, he looked quizzically at Ron.

He turned red. "Oh, erm..." He swallowed, realising that Bastien probably didn't know slang. "Um, it's a curse, kind of. It refers to, um..." He gestured down. "Parts. Kind of."

His brow furrowed more in confusion.
"Parts? Parts of what?" he asked confusedly.

Oh, gods. Was he going to have to...? "When you use the loo," he said, "you um... you know. Hold things. And there are other bits, too... and those are called bollocks."
He turned violently red.

He looked confusedly at Ron for a moment more before realization hit him. His face turning bright red, he swallowed hard.
"Oh! Oh... Those parts..."
He frowned slightly.
"Is it a really bad word?"

He shook his head. "You shouldn't say it in front of a teacher or anything," he said, face equally red. "But it's... you can say it to show that you're frustrated. Or, um, I guess there are other times... but it's slang."

He nodded, storing the word away in his memory, but not sure if he would ever really use it.
"I see. It is an... interesting word."

"Erm... yeah," he acknowledged, moving one of his last pawns forward. "You'll probably hear it a lot, actually. It's a pretty popular curse word."
He itched the top of his head. He wanted to ask Bastien about French curse words, but sensed that he might not really know... or if he did, wouldn't tell Ron.
"Um. So... what's your favourite class here so far?"

Moving his piece forward into place, he frowned a bit in thought.
"Well... I like Charms. Animagus class is nice as well."
He frowned for real.
"I do not like Transfiguration. The teacher makes me feel odd."

He looked up in surprise. "Really? I mean, she makes all the blokes feel odd... but in a good way, yeah?"
He moved a piece, groaning quietly. He had to go to check. "Check," he said, knowing that a few more moves would have him checkmated.

Making his move, he looked up at Ron curiously.
"How does she make you feel? 'Eve, she said that she is part Veela, like Fleur is. That people attracted to women feel weird around her."

"I bet she's right... it's like being around Fleur all over again..." he said in realisation. "Yeah... makes me go tingly... and light-headed. Earns me a kick in the knees from Hermione, too." He grinned a bit.

He nodded slightly.
"These are warm tingles, yes? And a good light-headed, correct?"

He nodded. "Yeah... like you just had a cup of really good pumpkin cider or something..." He grinned goofily.

He frowned slightly in confusion.
"I do not feel that way around her... She... when she is around, it is like ice down my back and my skin doesn't fit right... I do not understand..."

He shrugged a little. "But you like girls, right?" he asked. "I mean, you seemed to enjoy kissing Aneris at the party..."

He nodded.
"I am pretty sure yes. Kissing her, it felt like what you said. Being light-headed and warm and such."
He blushed slightly as a dreamy grin tugged at his lips.
"The kiss... it.. it was very nice...."

He smiled, recognising that grin. "Then it's just the way you react to our professor. Maybe she just rubs you the wrong way."
He waited, then plunged ahead. "Unlike Aneris, who seemed to rub you the right way. Do you fancy her?"

Blushing, he shrugged as he looked down at the table.
"I... I don't know... I... I just kissed her because she was the closest girl to me.... I don't really... I haven't been attracted to anyone before..." he said quietly.

"But she made you feel light-headed?" he asked. "And warm? That's a pretty good sign." He smiled encouragingly.
"Your move."
"It's okay if you like her, you know. Normal, even."

Blinking in surprise, he nodded as he looked at the board before moving his pieces.
"Check," he said before blushing. "I... I just do not know. I have never fancied anyone before... I... I don't know what it feels like."

Ron moved the only way he could, knowing that checkmate was only a move away. "It's a nice feeling," he said. "And Aneris seems like a nice girl. A bit exciteable, but nice." He smiled over the board at him.

He frowned slightly as he looked blankly at the board.
"I... I do not know... The dare that she told me made those two people leave.... And she was staring very much at everybody when they were naked... Even 'Eve."

"Oh, Parkinson and Malfoy?" Ron asked, grunting a little. "They needed to leave. They're prats."
"And there's not really any harm in looking, right? I mean, they're just other people..."

He played with the end of his braid.
"Well... but it is rude... To stare when they are naked, is it not?"

"When people drink, sometimes they don't realise they're being rude," he said. "And maybe she doesn't think it's rude." He shrugged.
"Sometimes people are strange. And she's American, yeah? There's no explaining people from the States."

He nodded.
"Yes. I suppose that is true."
He smirked slightly.
"After all, you English people are rather strange too," he teased before moving his chess piece. "Check mate."

He groaned as the inevitable occured. "Yes, yes we are..." He said as the Bastien's rook charged forward enthusiastically and bowled the black king over.
"Good game," he said.

He nodded as he grinned widely.
"Yes, it was. It is a shame about your knight though. The game would have been close if it had not acted out of turn."

He grinned back at Bastien. "Well, yes, I'll have to give him a thorough talking-to. Honestly, that knight gets cheekier with each game. You know what that means, though, right?"

He nodded.
"Yes, I know that word. It means that he is conceited, ouai?"

He blinked. "Oh, yeah. Means that he's conceited, and was bold in doing something on his own... against my wishes. What I meant, though, was that this means we'll have to have a rematch... play again sometime. Does that sound good?"

Blushing a bit at the misunderstanding, he nodded.
"That sounds wonderful. It will be nice to keep my skills sharp. I.. I do not mind our chats either. They are nice."

"They are," Ron agreed, watching the black pieces limp their way back into the case. The remaining white pieces were all congratulating each other and Bastien on a game well-played.
"We should make a habit of this," he suggested. "Maybe we could do this again at the same time next week?"

He nodded as he smiled softly.
"That sounds wonderful. I would like that."
He picked at his braid slightly.
"Although I will have to discuss it with Andrzej. I... I would not want him cross with me over our gams."

Ron's face dropped momentarily. "No, of course not... he's your best friend, yeah? You wouldn't want to upset him. Maybe we could find a time when he's busy but you're not?"

He picked at his braid more, uncomfortable that he had disappointed the other boy.
"Yes... he is. I owe him my life."
Thinking, he smiled hopefully at Ron.
"I am free Thursday afternoons... Andrzej has Care of Magical Creatures then."

He closed an eye, trying to remember his schedule. Double Defense in the morning... and Auror training at night... but his afternoons were free. It was one of the few times that Hermione was free, as well, though, besides Friday afternoons and the weekend. But if he could keep the games short while she studied... It could work.
He nodded. "That works for me," he said. "So... let's say we'll meet here on Thursdays after lunch?" He smiled at Bastien. "Did we want to play again this week, or start meeting next week?"

Grinning, he nodded.
"That sounds wonderful. Next week would be fine. Unless you are eager to play again."

He laughed and closed up the case as the last white pawn crawled inside. "I'm not eager to lose again," he teased. "I'll need a week to rethink my strategy."

He laughed as he nodded.
"Good, it will give me a bit of a chance to brush up on my strategies as well."
He held out his hand to Ron.
"It was a pleasure to play with you today."

Tucking his case under his arm awkwardly, he extended his hand and shook Bastien's.
"It was good to play against you, too, mate," he said, standing. "I'll see you around, yeah?"

He nodded.
"I will see you around. I should go down to the animal shed now and make sure that Andrzej has not become one of them," he teased.

He laughed. "Right then," he chuckled. "See you in class tonigh."

He nodded as he picked up his stuff.
"I'll see you tonight. Good luck with your mirror."

bastien, october 27, andrzej, ron

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