sat, Oct 18, mid/late-morning, will/sven/weasley twins, WWW in Hogsmeade

Jan 25, 2006 14:10

who: will, sven, gred and forge. ;)
what: checking out the newest invention
when: mid/late morning
where: WWW shop in Hogsmeade

continued from here

*Gred and Forge*
Letting Verity handle the crowd for the moment in selling their newest invention - floo parchments, George headed over to the two blonds standing on the edge of the crowd.
"Oi, Fred, look here, it's our successor in Gryffindor point losses."
"How ya been? Heard you were out of commission?"
"Still with Mallory?"
"That's Professor Mallory, George, didn't you hear?"
"Ooooh.. Professor. Think we can trust him to show him our latest invention?"

He rolled his eyes slightly as he grinned at the two redheads.
"Yeah, heard ya had a party without me too. I bet ya wouldn't have gotten caught if I had been there."
He quirked an eyebrow at the two.
"And what latest invention?"

*Gred and Forge*
"New thing we came up with."
"Call it floo-"
"Parchment. Enchanted so that you can write on it-"
"And anyone who has one can see it."
"Great way to talk to lots of people at once"
"Still working on ways to only let certain people see"
"What you've written."
"Want to give it a shot? Only if you promise-"
"Not to rat us out to McGonagall."
"Although you're a professor now, Mallory,"
"Can we trust you?"

He held up a hand to stop the twins talking.
"Well now, you can trust me - unless you'd rather me tell people about a certain incident a few years ago," he said, pasting on his trademark smirk.

*Gred and Forge*
The twins exchanged grins.
"Reckon we can trust him."
"I think so."
They pulled out some of the parchments and showed them to the boys, explaining how they worked.

He looked over the parchments and nodded.
"They sound pretty cool. It's nice that ya can carry 'em 'round too. I mean, we have stuff like this on the internet and all, but ya need a computer to use it. Not really that mobile."
Looking at Will, he quirked an eyebrow.
"What incident would this be?"

*Gred and Forge*
"Think wisely Mallory."
"If you tell him-"
"-that's almost like breaking our trust."
"Maybe we shouldn't let you have one."

He kissed Sven on the cheek.
"I'll tell you later. If they let me," he said nodding towards the twins.
"So, how much for these?"

*Gred and forge*
"A galleon a piece "
"Trial basis of course."
"Not responsible"
"For any harm"

He quirked an eyebrow at the twins.
"If they're a trial, shouldn't they be a bit cheaper? Especially if they might blow up in our faces."

*Gred and Forge*
"If we update them,"
"We'll do it for free"
"So consider it"
"An advance discount"

He smirked.
"Ya mean when ya update 'em. Not if," he teased before digging into his coin purse and pulling out a galleon. "I'll take one. I'm sure it'll be a hell of a lot easier to organize parties now."

He pulled out a galleon and dropped it in the twins outstretched palms.
"Looks interestng."

*Fred and Gorge*
"A Pleasure"
"As always.."
"Doing business with you," they chimed in together as they took the galleons and handed the boys their parchments.
"Do come again."

He quirked an eyebrow at the twins, his curiousity wanting to get the better of him.
"Thanks," he said as he took the parchment.

*Gred and Forge*
"Other customers-"
"Can't keep them waiting-"
"You know how they get-"
With mischievous grins, the twins went back to aid Verity with the crowd control.
continues here

george, sven, william, october 18, fred

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