Who: Josh Whedon & Roderick Childermass
When: Thursday, November 20 after Josh talks to Marc
Where: London
What: A surprise visit to an old friend leads to a bit of hopeful information
He flooed into the magical antiquities area of the British museum and after speaking with someone was shown back to Childermass' office. Knocking on the door, he hoped this would go better.
"Roddy? It's Josh.. Whedon.."
He got up from his desk and went to the door, pulling it open.
"Josh! Dear boy, come in! Come in..."
He lead Josh into his cluttered office, scooping some papers off a chair and depositing them on top of another pile of books and papers making a bigger mess that Su would have to untangle later.
"It's been forever... Well, almost twenty years... Sit down, sit down..."
He breathed out a sigh of relief. This was much warmer welcome than he'd expected, especially given Marc's reaction. Taking a seat, he smiled.
"It has been a long time," he said.
"You've been well, I hope?" he asked.
He smiled back.
"Well, as well as can be expected... Still alive despite all odds so I haven't got much to complain about..."
"You've heard about the hand, I assume?" he asked curiously, hoping to figure out how much the older man knew before he asked for help.
He looked perplexed.
"What hand? Right Hand? Left Hand? Hand of Fate? Hand of Mars? Hand of Glory? The Scarlet Hand? The Hand of Molloch?"
He rattled off as many hands as he could think of trying to get him to narrow it down a bit.
"The Hand of Subtlety - you know, decrepit hand of an heir. Usually locked away. Suddenly not," he said.
He folded his hands under his chin.
"Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear... Well... That's unfortunate. Haven't thought of that damned thing in... Well..."
He paused and concentrated doing the math in his head.
"Well since the War. The big War, not that Voldemort nonsense...."
He waved his hands dismissively in case it brought up some bad memories.
He sighed.
"It's been used, activated, whatever. I know the legends, but that's all. There's not much written on it. But it's back - and a single person touched it and it went haywire. So, now I'm stuck trying to figure out how to undo the damage."
He shook his head.
"I assure you that you do not know the legends, since as you stated there's is next to nothing written about it. And I don't know why you're saying it's back, it hasn't been anywhere in about 50 years. I'd also like to know how you know so much about it's current... 'activation' but still... Damage you say? That's very odd... Something gone missing has it?"
"In a matter of speaking. An heir touched the hand and it reacted. Quite a bit. Affected a large number of people," he said, wondering if Roddy would tell him everything.
Davros42 came back (1:31:10 PM)
He kind of sighed and shrugged.
"So how did it get to Hogwarts then... And honestly, I'm still not seeing what's got you so concerned here, Josh. Last year, they were all singing and dancing for a day... After you've lived through as many of these 'crisis' as I have... Well, you're a little more level headed about them..."
"It was stolen from the person who stole it from the Tower," he said as ran a hand over his hair.
"I've heard stories of how you're not supposed to mess around with the hand. I see kids messing around with it and then suddenly everyone at hogwarts is the wrong gender and it doesn't seem to be worried. I'm overprotective about my students. It's the way I've been for the past twenty years."
He nodded.
"Yes, well, I wonder who told you those stories... You don't have any students at Hogwarts so you're protecting someone, or at least you think you are."
He laughed again.
"Wrong gender? I say. Which one is the wrong one? I wouldn't worry about it too much, that sort of thing happens all the time. Especially with Heirs about. It'll probably sort it self out in a few days."
"Three of my former students are at Hogwarts now because of the attack that destroyed Rivendell," he explained.
"Everyone that was at Hogwarts got switched to the opposite gender. Amusing for observers, not so much for the students," he said lightly.
"Roddy, the hand... how powerful is it?"
He laughed again.
"Oh dear me. I can't wait till Su comes in, that will be good for a laugh. In my day, we were stealing Time Turners and nipping off to the Great Pyramids for tea and now they just reverse genders. How dull."
He sighed and relaxed in his chair.
"Well, that's a very good question Josh. And perhaps the most sensible question to ask."
He drummed his fingers on the desk, thinking.
"What are those muggle things... They've got thousands of them supposedly, enough to destroy the world 100 times over... Big nasty science weapons... I remember halfbloods used to go on about them at length years ago."
He gestured hoping Josh could give him a hand with the muggle term.
"Nuclear bombs?" he asked, wondering what nuclear weapons had to do with a dead hand.
He nodded.
"Yes, that's it nuclear bombs, right. So let's say for the sake of arguement, someone has put together a device rather like that. Big, powerful, full of menace... Could be scientific or magic, makes no difference to the example. They claim it can do all sorts of things, destroy the world, enslave minds, make day into night, cure the lurgi.. All sorts of things both wonderful and horrible. The question becomes, if you're not sure what the thing can actually do once you set it in motion, how do you test to see how powerful it is?"
He nodded.
"That's my complicated way of saying, I don't know but if I believe everything I've heard and read and what little I've seen then it is like a muggle nuclear weapon. Which is to say ungodly powerful and exactly the sort of thing you want to keep away from madmen and children."
"And therefore incredibly difficult to control," he added, wondering if the conjecture he was jumping to was correct. And Sven wanted to use the stupid thing to try and get Maria back.
He nodded.
"The key thing to remember, in my opinion, is that... well, the thing is still alive in some sense. I mean, it's not attached to a person anymore but it's still made of living tissue and, well, we conjectured that it was one of the old Heirs of Hufflepuff judging from the way it seems to pick up on people's energy..."
He paused, gesturing, feeling himself slip away from his original point.
"Right, anyway, so my conjecture is that the blasted thing is still alive in some sense. It's not just a tool... It's not just a wand that you can point blindly at something and mutter accio this or finite incantem that. You need to convince it to do your bidding if you get my meaning... However, as I said since the damn thing is virtually impossible to experiment with..."
"And the current heir of Hufflepuff is always illusive," he complained, more to himself than to Roddy as he tried to make sense of everything..
"So did the heir who touched it have some secret desire to try being the opposite gender and the Hand picked up on that?"
He shrugged.
"No idea. It could be some kind of charm or booby trap... Or the damned thing could have an obscure sense of humour. Or, honestly, it could be broken or a hoax even. Some kind of farce, perpetuated through the centuries. This could be all it does... Or almost all it does anyway."
"So no one's ever really been able to test it? Or gotten it to do what they wanted?" he asked.
He took a deep breath and got briefly to his feet, moving to the door and putting some charms on it before returning to his chair. He folded his hands together and leaned forward.
"Josh. If I tell you something... Something you must tell no one. Well, I don't know if there's anyone left to tell, to be honest. I think everyone involved except Marc and I are dead. But something that will stay between you and I. You'd honour that, yes? You always struck me as the honourable sort... And, well, that obsessive need for secrecy is more Marc's thing as you well know..."
"I know a little too well. I assure you, your secret is safe with me.." he reassured the older man.
He nodded.
"I had an experience with the Hand myself... Back in 1929... A woman, Anastasia Dolohov, was on the run from the Soviets... It was a bad time to be a wizard behind the Iron Curtain... But she managed to leave Russia with something incredible... A myth, a lie, a treasure. She claimed a lot of things in those days but at any rate she turned up with it in Boston. Demanded asylum, demanded a lot of things from the local wizarding community... No one paid much attention to her apart from Edith Manning... One of the brightest witches of her day, quite something. The Molasses Flood, something she did as a school girl... Quite something. Any way, she contacted Marc... and another gentleman who called himself Doctor Jazz... A negro from New Orleans... Oh I'm not supposed to call them negroes anymore, am I?"
He paused for breath with an apologetic look to Josh.
He waved his hand dismissively.
"It's alright, go on," he said, completely intrigued.
He nodded.
"Right so. Edith was always on the look out for trouble, energetic sort... What did they call them then? Flappers. Very American. So Edith and Marc and this gentleman Doctor Jazz... We never knew this true name, he was very big on that whole names having power of the named thing... Something he picked up from his teacher, the Grey Lady, the voodoo pirate witch queen of Slaughter Swamp..."
He shook his head.
"Sorry, getting sidetracked, you know how I love a story. Anyway, Marc took one look at the damn thing and knew it was very old and certainly very troublesome... So he called for me knowing that old and troublesome things are a certain specialty of mine. And I brought my young protege along... She had never seen the Americas... had scarcely been out of Scotland even and so I figured the trip would do her some good..."
He paused again for breath.
"What protégé?" he asked curiously, wondering if names would be important.
He dismissed that with a wave of his hand.
"Not important. Poor girl. Any way, there were six of us, puzzling over the damned thing... Me with my books and antiquities, Marc with his maths and magical number theories, Jazz with his strange music as magic theories... Terribly decadent, terribly exciting... Many nights and much alcohol and other substances consumed... Finally Edith suggested a séance of all things and we all figured that we had nothing else to lose and so why not. Marc however insisted that six was a terrible number of people to attempt such a thing with and that seven was the best of all possible worlds. So we all good naturedly agreed and privately Marc and I contacted an old friend who had settled in Los Angeles. He made the trip and that night we resolved to begin."
"To figure out what the hand did?" he asked.
He nodded.
"To figure out what it did, to figure out what it was... if it was authentic. That manner of thing. All we knew is that it was a well preserved human hand that was fairly old. And Stasia was so charming then, we all wanted to help her... We wanted for this thing to be true and, well, it had been a while since I had been on a grand adventure so it was like returning to my youth however briefly... Sadly, we succeeded in activating the Hand."
He paused again, looking distant briefly.
"What happened?" he asked quietly.
He opened his mouth to start and then paused before speaking again.
"It depended. Apparently our need for enlightenment and our curiosity was our undoing... We were subjected to visions and dreams and possibly actual physical teleportation... The next day Edith took her brother Freddy and packed up for India, seeking enlightenment... Our friend from Los Angeles departed without saying good bye, whatever he saw that night he took it to his grave... My protégé was driven insane... Incurably, terribly insane... We had her committed at Arkham near Marc's home and told her family that she had found a new life in America. I didn't have the heart to tell them that I had cost their daughter her sanity. Marc and I found the desire and inspiration to expand our clever little conspiracy.... Especially when Miss Dolohov turned up missing, absconded with the hand and resurfaced years later trying to sell it, or gift it to Grindelwald."
"Seems you and Marc got out of it alright, all things considered," he said quietly.
He looked indifferent.
"We destroyed a young girl... young woman's life. A young woman who was placed into my care. 70 years are not enough time for me to quite forgive myself for that."
He sighed.
"But we persevere. Dumbledore got the Hand back from Grindelwald. Anastasia Dolohov got what was coming to her and for the most part no real harm came of it. Personal tragedy yes, but no world threatening horror. As I said, I suspect this gender reversal should pass... And that if the thing is used again, I hope it is used a touch more carefully..."
"Would you help? In assisting with the hand were it to be used again?" he asked curiously.
"You know more than most about this. You'd be a great help."
He laughed.
"My dear boy, I know nearly everything about that damned Hand that is known... And I still know nothing about it. And my adventuring days are through. I am a very old man. Through luck and plain stubbornness I've made it this far and if I make it another 15, I can see the end of the world and everything after. So you'll forgive me if I remain here in my quiet office, cataloging and filing and telling stories."
: *Josh*
He looked over at Roddy and sighed.
"Can you tell me what you know then? I'm fairly certain the Hand will be used again, despite my advice to the contrary. I'd like to give them what help I can. The more knowledge the better. "
He looked confused.
"I just told you everything. That is honestly all I know, and even some conjecture based on the thing's reactions..."
He sighed and rested his head in his hands. He had hoped there was more information. A manual, perhaps. Notes. Anything.
"It's not enough, is it?" he said quietly. "We won't know what the Hand can do until after it happens..."
He nodded.
"Like so many things in life."
"What am I going to do. A bunch of teenagers are going to use the Hand to try and get to a parallel universe.." he said, pressing his fingers against his temples to try and relieve the headache he knew was coming.
"You don't know of anything... safer that would bridge dimensions, do you, Roddy?"
He laughed again.
"Bridge dimensions. My goodness... That's madness. I am a historian and an antiquarian, not a theoretical magician... Other dimensions... That's... well, that's another thing entirely..."
He laughed again.
"Bridge dimensions. My goodness... That's madness. I am a historian and an antiquarian, not a theoretical magician... Other dimensions... That's... well, that's another thing entirely..."
"Madness that has happened. But you know things, Roddy. You're the expert on artifacts, on their powers... You're much more than just a historian," he said, managing a small smile.
He pondered this further, absentmindedly picking at one of his bushy sideburns.
"Madness that has happened on rare occasions and even more rarely with reputable witnesses. I mean... Josh, there's no record of it. No reputable record anyway... Other dimensions... Other realities... that sphere of magic is to us as our magic is to muggles..."
He shook his head.
"I can look into it but I cannot promise any great deluge of information."
"It's where Riddle is, with his hostage.." he said. "At least that's what all the information points too."
"Riddle? Tom Riddle? Oh dear... That's impossible... I mean, theoretically impossible.. or at least, highly improbable... Magic, you know, anything's possible in theory when it comes right down to it..."
He stroked his chin thoughtfully.
"I say... What information if you don't mind me asking?"
"One and the same," he said.
"It's heresay, in a matter of speaking. Something one of Riddle's little minions let slip. It sounds like something out of one of those muggles science fiction books. "
He nodded.
"So it could just as easily be misinformation as information... That family has been trouble... I knew his grandmother you know. Lovely woman, but chaos had a way of following in her wake."
He sighed whistfully.
"Chess players that family. Eyes on the long game. Hmmm... The sort of power you'd need to get into another reality, well..."
He leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes, rumaging through a century's worth of memories trying to think of something germain to the topic.
"Misinformation among former housemates? Doesn't seem as likely..." he said, running a hand through his hair.
"I know misleading people is his game, but I just... he's got a muggle hostage. And all location spells turn up nothing. Which makes the theory seem a bit more plausible."
He shrugged.
"Well, I don't know how you do things in America, of course. But in my day the Houses themselves were rife with rivalries and cliques and such. Always best of friends when a quidditch match is on, or there's another House to unify against, but as soon as that was done... Well... But yes, there's a hostage. Lives or a life ,anyway, is on the line. And I'm not discounting this theory in it's entirety, just reminding you that this is something that is rare in the magical world. Theories abound, a few legends persist... But it's just that... I can do some research and see what I turn up but I can't make any promises."
He nodded.
"That's all I can ask for, really. And I appreciate that more than you know," he said with a smile and a look of relief as though somehow things were becoming more manageable now.
He laughed.
"Well, I'm glad asking me to go over 5000 years of magical history is 'all' you can ask. Next time try to keep it a little more focused, if you want any kind of results."
He chuckled.
"I meant I'm not expecting results. I know how hopeless this all seems. I appreciate that you're willing to look into it. "
He nodded and laughed.
"Yes, well... I do enjoy a mystery. Give Su something to do as well, even if it is scurrying about grabbing books off shelves."
He nodded.
"Su?" he asked curiously.
He smiled.
"Our intern. Actually managed to find someone under the age of 80 with an interest in Antiquities... and the brains to back it up."
He chuckled.
"I'm shocked. But congratulations. That's good to hear. Are you letting her do any real work?"
He made a noncommital face.
"There's not a lot of 'real' work to do. It's not like the Empire is still expanding and there's crates of odd Indian or Middle Eastern or even African artefacts turning up daily..."
"Well, let me know if you want any Southwestern American artifacts," he said as he got to his feet.
"Thanks, Roddy.. you've been a great help."
He laughed.
"I'd love to get my hands on some. But you know how governments are about smuggling antiquities..."
He stood as well and came around the desk, offering Josh his hand.
"It was good to see you again, m'boy. Far too long. Don't let your Great Great, howevermany Greats Uncle's attitude keep you away."
He chuckled.
"Well, I'm sure I can get you something as a thank you gift," he said with a smile as he shook Roddy's hand and smiled genuinely.
"I may just stop by again... I've forgotten how much I enjoy spending time with you."
He smirked.
"Well, the ahem personal collection is in Arkham, so I suppose that wouldn't violate any import/export agreements..."
He smiled at Josh.
"And when you return, hopefully I'll have some shread of information for you. Just please stop the children from doing anything else rash."
"I'll do what I can. Hopefully this little.... side effect... of the Hand will dissuade them from trying anything else with it," he said with a nervous smile.
He shook his head.
"From what little I know of this batch of reprobates, probably not."
"I'll bet against you on that. For the sake of our future. A man needs hope after all," he joked.
He smiled and shrugged, walking Josh to the door.
"Well you do know them better than I."
"Let's hope so," he said with a sigh before heading out the door.
He watched him go and then shut the door, returning to his desk pondering where to look for the information that Josh required.