Wed, Nov 19, St. Mungo's Madness

Nov 11, 2006 23:55

Who: Sirius and Michael
When: Wednesday, November 19, afternoon
Where: St. Mungo's
What: Talking about the Order, Fernando and other things...

Sighing, she stood outside the infirmary door. She really didn't know if she should be here or not, but considering what Rufus had told her... Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door, hoping that Sirius wasn't in too foul a mood.

"Come in!" he called, trying not to sound too desperate for company.

Sliding into the room, she smiled softly, crossing her arms over her chest slightly. She still wasn't quite comfortable with this body and really wished they could get turned back sometime soon...
"Hey. Figured I'd visit again. Ya know, for company and all."

"Company is good. Rehab on the other hand, can go suck Voldemort's balls. I'm doing better though. See?" he said, managing to wiggle the fingers on his righthand without too much of a grimace.

She frowned and would have given Sirius a withering look if she could have.
"Not really. That is your bad arm moving, right?"

"Oh gods, the sunglasses. I'm sorry. I forgot Michael," he said, feeling horrible.
"You can have a seat and stay awhile, you know. I do like your company. Regardless of how often I threaten to put you on desk duty."

She shrugged slightly as she sat down.
"I suppose it's better that people can forget. Better than being so completely helpless that everyone's always having to look after me," she said before shifting a bit uncomfortably. "Although ya won't be doing that anymore."

He sighed.
"Heard they put it in the paper and everything," he said, easily falling into the habit of pretending it didn't bother him.

She nodded.
"That's what I heard too from Rufus," she said softly. "Doesn't seem right..."

He shrugged.
"It happens. Honestly though, with Umbridge in power, I wasn't going to last too long. And I've been meaning to retire for a while now. just gave me an opportunity."

She tilted her head a little bit in surprise.
"Ya were gonna retire?"

"I've been saying I was going to for the past year or so. Most of it was talk though, but every time I get injured, Remus pushes me to retire," he said.
"I've been lucky. Even surviving Monday was lucky. They managed to reattach my arm and then Sven healed it some more and it looks like it'll be as good as new. And besides, I'll have other things to keep me busy."

She shook her head slightly as she ran a hand through her hair.
"But you're an Auror. It's what ya do. Ya just don't retire and go off and do something else."

"Well, this would be ... related work.." he said. "Could you ward the door?"

She frowned slightly, wishing she could actually see so she could try and figure out what was going on by studying Sirius. Finally nodding, she turned and pointed her wand at the door, warding it.
"What do ya mean, related work?"

"Well, the sort of stuff we were doing last year - helping plan a counteroffensive against Voldemort. The Ministry's always slow to act on these things, so a couple of us, and we're trying to get more people are organizing a sort of resistance force so that we can get rid of Tom without having to wait for the Ministry's aid.

She frowned slightly.
"But if we worked with the Ministry, we could do the same stuff, couldn't we? I mean, not Umbridge of course, but Rufus would help."

"Rufus has enough on his plate. He's trying to get Umbridge out of office, and if he succeeds, I'll be the first one congratulating him. He'd make a much better Minister," he said, really not wanting to involve too many people at the Ministry.

She nodded.
"Rufus will make a better Minister. Hopefully he'll be in office soon."

"I agree," he said with a smile.
"Would you be interested? In helping us out and getting rid of Tom?" he asked.

She looked in Sirius' direction for a moment before nodding and then shrugging.
"Yeah, of course. I mean, that's what Aurors do."

He chuckled.
"Yeah, I reckon that's what we do. So, you're in, then? Would you mind asking Cho? See if she wants to help?"

She nodded.
"Yeah, sure I'm in. Cho'll probably be in too. I mean, saving the world but not dealing with the Ministry. That's right up her alley."

He nodded.
"Of course," he said, hoping Rufus was as good and fair as he'd heard and not another Fudgelike pushover.
"Michael," he began. "Did you know Fernando?"

Tensing, she shifted uncomfortably on her seat for a moment before nodding slowly.
"Yes..." she said softly, her throat tight.

He shifted, sitting up and getting off the bed, walking over to Michael and resting a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but... he was found dead during the attack..." he said quietly.

Looking away from Sirius, she shrugged, not sure how to feel about the contact on his shoulder.
"I know..." she replied quietly.

He sighed. He wasn't good at consoling. He was good at fighting.
"Michael... he wasn't killed by Rakshasas... or changelings. He had his head bashed in," he said quietly.

Swallowing hard, he nodded slightly.
"I know..."
She sighed as she shook her head slightly.
"Well, not the head bashed in part, but... yeah..."

He squeezed Michael's shoulder.
"What do you know?" he asked curiously. "Do you know this Isabella girl?"

Wrapping her arms around herself, she rubbed her hands over arms as she kept her face looking away from Sirius.
"He was down in the dungeons... There's no body anymore. He got taken back to Brazil for a funeral and they burned his body..." she said softly before hesitating a moment and then nodding. "Yeah, I know her..."

He crouched and wrapped his good arm around Michael's shoulder's, pulling him close.
"Do you know how she's connected to Forbes?" he asked curiously, keeping his voice soft and assuming that Fernando was a close friend of Michael's, based off the reactions.
"Is she connected to Fernando?"

She shook her head slightly, shifting uncomfortably.
"I don't know. She said she had sent the changelings 'cause Sven attacked Forbes. She didn't say anything else..." she said quietly before nodding slowly and swallowing hard. "Fernando's her twin brother..."

He nodded.
"Gods, I'm sorry, Michael... I didn't know you knew him that well," he said, sighing.
"Are you alright? Is there anything I can do?"

"I'm not sure how well I knew him..." she said softly before shaking her head. "I'm alright. There's nothing anyone can really do. Stuff like this just happens and all."

He studied Michael, growing more confused as time went on.
"I know. But it doesn't make it any easier. Losing someone always hurts," he said.
"I know I'm not your boss anymore, but I want you to know that I'm always here for you. I worry about you even though I know you're one of the best damned Aurors we've had come through training in awhile.

She shrugged.
"It happens. People die and ya just gotta keep moving on. It's what ya do," she said before looking up in Sirius' direction and smirking. "Ya shouldn't worry so much. It'll give ya grey hairs."

He chuckled.
"Remus is the one with grey hairs, not me. All of my hairs are black as night," he teased.

She laughed.
"I bet that's only 'cause ya dye 'em," she teased back.

"I do not dye my hair," he growled.

She ended up giggling as she smirked at Sirius.
"With a growl like that, people will think ya do. Ya know, the more ya protest the truer it is," she teased.

He laughed.
"Think what you will, but you can come live with me and see that I do not dye my hair," he teased.

She laughed as she shook her head.
"Great. Another place to live. As if I didn't have enough of those."

He chuckled.
"Better more places to live than none. Although you might cramp our style with your loud sex," he teased. "Though Remus and I can probably be louder..."

She blushed bright red as she put her head in her hands.
"Oh gods, could ya lay off the loud sex thing? Please? We forgot charms once or twice and now ya guys keep teasing me 'bout it."

"Well, I've yet to find something new to tease you about," he smirked. "Give me some new material and I'll stop bringing up the loud sex."

She spread her arms slightly.
"Isn't this ammo enough?" she muttered.

He shrugged.
"Not really fair though. I mean, that was a fluke and not your fault. Besides, it just sucks. I'm not that mean," he said.

She laughed.
"Ya aren't? Ya could've fooled me," she teased before sighing. "I can't wait until I'm a boy again."

"Me neither. Well, i mean, until everyone's the correct gender," he said, trailing off.
"I prefer Remus as a man," he said, trying not to revisit the idea of actually having a child with Remus.

She nodded.
"Yeah. I think I prefer everyone the way they were. I mean, I can't see 'em, but everyone sounding different is hurting my head."

"Well, don't worry. I sound the same. Complete with bad jokes and lewd comments," he teased.

She chuckled softly as she nodded.
"I'm grateful for that... That ya and Rufus sound the same. It soothes my nerves a bit."

He chuckled.
"Well, I'd make a pretty girl, but the voice thing is the hardest thing to get used to. Other than there not being a cock where there should be..." he said.

She again missed the fact that she couldn't roll her eyes.
"Yeah, no cock being where it should and having two lumps on your chest that always get in the way," she muttered. "And it feels weird to get.. well... turned on..."

"I can imagine," he said.
"You know, I'd be happy to keep up sparring if you want..."

She quirked an eyebrow.
"What? With me as a girl? Hoping to get the chance to feel me up or something?"

He chuckled.
"Good gods, no. You're like family. I wouldn't do that. I didn't mean now. I just meant, well, considering I'm not your boss and all..." he said.

: *Michael*
"Ya were the one that was saying how nice I look as a girl and telling me to go and grope everyone 'cause I'm blind," she pointed out before looking towards one of the walls.
Like family.... Well, but it was still only like. It wasn't real family. He had Harry for that now. Shifting in the chair to get more comfortable, she shrugged nonchalantly.
"We haven't sparred much with ya actually being my boss. Besides, aren't ya gonna be busy with this secret organization anyways?"

"Not too busy for you, Michael," he said honestly.
"Michael... you do look nice as a girl, and I'm a dirty, lewd man. That's old news. But I consider you part of my family. My real family - well, I gave them up when I was sixteen because we differed in our beliefs. I'm proud that you're working with Rufus and I know your father would be too - even though he didn't care for me."

She crossed her arms over her chest self-consciously as she shifted uncomfortably in the chair.
"My father would have liked ya better if ya weren't sleeping with a werewolf..." she said softly.

"Probably. And if I hadn't spent years in Azkaban. But you gave me a chance. And I appreciate it," he said quietly, knowing that Michael's father would have approved more of Rufus as a mentor.

She chuckled softly as she shook her head.
"I didn't have much choice. Considering everything, I didn't really have the chance to be as stubborn as him..." she said softly.

"The choice is always there, Michael," he said quietly. "And the fact that you gave me a chance - even if you felt forced to give it to me, and that you don't despise me for spending time in Azkaban and living with Remus, well, that makes you a good man in my back. A man I would trust with my life, and with Remus' life."

She shook her head slightly.
"Ya were wrongfully imprisoned. Hating ya for getting brought in for someone else's crime would be pretty stupid."

"People still do it anyways," he said with a shrug. "A pardon isn't enough to erase people's memories of you."

Sighing, she shook her head again.
"Guess it's their loss then," she said softly. "So, your arms doing a lot better then? I mean, you're moving 'round and all. Standing up without everyone rushing in here to tie ya to the bed."

He chuckled.
"Yeah. Starting rehab. Which is more painful than getting the arm ripped off in the first place and I'd give almost anything for a glass of scotch. Jane won't let me go home without having done most of the rehab here," he explained.
"Doesn't trust me to do it at home."

She laughed before smirking at Sirius.
"She's pretty smart than. Must have balls of steel too to go up against ya like that."

"Don't ever lie to her or disobey her. That woman has too many ways to make your life painful," he said, making a face.

She laughed as she shook her head.
"I'll make sure that she's never my doctor then," she teased. "Especially if she's got the almighty Sirius quaking in his boots."

"She's the best damn healer this place has ever seen. Why else do you think she's my healer?" he teased.

She smirked.
"Because unlike all the other healers, she doesn't take any crap from ya."

november 19, sirius, michael

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