( ooc ) app

Oct 09, 2011 14:39

NAME: Haruhi Suzumiya
CANON: Haruhi Suzumiya series-as a note, though, she's being taken from The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan, a canon AU manga, rather than from the original series.
CANON REFERENCE: The series, the AU, and the character! ... However, her wiki page... doesn't really describe the version I plan on playing. The biggest difference is that she has no powers whatsoever, and that she's much nicer than her original counterpart.
AGE: 17
GENDER: Female
ENROLLMENT: Scholarship, oh yeah.

Haruhi is an... interesting girl! She's extremely energetic, outgoing, and independent; she's the kind of person who never slows down, and never takes "no" for an answer. She's never afraid to speak her mind and make herself known, and takes responsibility for what she does, whether it be good or bad. She can do pretty much anything she puts her mind to... though her habit of changing interests often hinders any real commitment to said activities. She can come off as brash and competitive at times, and she actually acknowledges this! It's all in good spirit, though. It's just how she deals with things; it shows just how passionate is about the things she does.

What really sets her apart from most others is her desire to experience extraordinary things. It's such an integral part of her personality that she actively seeks out all things strange and supernatural. When asked why she engages in such eccentric behavior-in this case, an attempt to capture Santa Claus-she responds, "It doesn't matter if he doesn't exist. However, if he does exist, how can I let myself not know it? Shouldn't you try to investigate for yourself?" Her curiosity knows almost no bounds; if there's something that can't be explained around, you can bet your ass Haruhi'll attempt to do something about it.

While all of this might make her seem like a handful, though, she knows when too much is too much, and will definitely (if a bit reluctantly) back down if she's going too far. She's actually a pretty nice girl once you get past all the weirdness, and once she's someone's friend, she'll always be there for them. She'll even act as a mentor to those close to her. You know, if they want mentoring from someone like Haruhi. However, due to her eccentricity, she understandably... doesn't have very many. While normally this wouldn't bother her, it sometimes leads to her showing a more vulnerable side with the few she does have. She's quick to try and cover it up, though-she doesn't deal with emotion all too well.

When you get down to it, though, Haruhi's very headstrong and knows what she wants: to have her life be as exciting as possible; she's prepared to do anything she has to in order to make that happen.

COMPUTER APTITUDE: She's decent with electronics, but no hacking ability whatsoever here.

Haruhi was born into an upper middle class family, as the daughter of two hardworking businesspeople. Her childhood was nothing too remarkable; for the most part, she was a normal girl, with normal parents, attending a normal school, living a normal life. But she was happy with all that; in her world, she was special.

That all changed on one fateful day in sixth grade, when her parents decided to take her to a baseball game. The sport itself isn't what changed her life; no, she found herself completely overwhelmed by the number of people in attendance at the game. She found out from her father that about 50,000 people were in the stadium with them; she then realized there were a hundred million people in Japan, and six billion people in the entire world.

Her whole perspective on the world had changed-she realized everything she did, everything she'd experienced was completely ordinary. For a while, she was stunned by the whole idea that her existence meant nothing in the sea of people on Earth. But then she reasoned that, with all those people, there had to be someone who had an extraordinary and exciting life. Why couldn't that person be her? There was no reason it couldn't be. From that point on, Haruhi Suzumiya decided to become a new girl, that person who could be a ray of uniqueness in the otherwise drab world of ordinary people.

Due to both her excellent performance in school and her parents' wealth, she found no difficulty in applying to Reims for her high school education-which was just as well, seeing as her behavior in past years (such as defacing private property in order to "call attention to aliens") made local schools hesitant to accept her; plus, what better way to expand her horizons and discover new things than to attend school in a foreign country? Though she kept a relatively low profile (...for her, that meant) throughout her freshman year, she has plans to make it big now that she's got some sense of seniority. Everybody, watch out: Haruhi Suzumiya's about to make her mark.


I have two things to address today!

Firstly: I've noticed lately that a bunch of rumors have been going around about certain things. And I'm not talking about gossip--I'm not interested in that! I mean strange occurrences around the school, like unexplained noises from classrooms not in use, or rows of lockers that suddenly open for no reason... you know how all schools have some weird story that gets passed around from student to student throughout the years. Plus, this place has been around since 1795--there has to be at least one ghost story or something like that!

Secondly: if you're a transfer student who came here at any time other than the beginning of the year, I'd like to speak with you as soon as possible! However, I know there are a lot of you; I've thought that out in advance! I've prepared an in-depth questionnaire for me to gauge whether or not you fit my criteria. For those of you concerned about how long it'll take, don't worry! I actually had to cut a lot out, which is a little disappointing, but sacrifices need to be made. The new version should only take about half an hour!

Thank you for participating, and I look forward to hearing from all of you! ☆

There was no such thing as a quiet day to the girl known as Haruhi Suzumiya. She didn't believe in them.

Today was no different. Her presence around the school wasn't something that could be denied. As soon as people caught sight of her trademark yellow hair ribbons, the whispering and staring started... but she didn't care. Those people didn't know what they were talking about; their opinions didn't matter to her. "Let them talk," she'd always say, "That only gives me more publicity!" Even the teachers had gotten used to her behavior; as long as she wasn't disrupting their classes, they were able to shrug it off. Eccentric students were nothing compared to rowdy ones, and at least Suzumiya knew when to stop. Plus, if she was keeping her grades up-which she was, naturally, though people always wondered just how the hell she had time to study when she was always out wasting her time with her nonsense-then she was fine.

Her current mission of the day? Try to investigate the claims that people had made in response to her call for rumors about the school. She'd gotten a few tips on her previous intranet post; to tell the truth, she doubted most of them... but she figured she still needed to check them all out. Who was she to judge, right? If any one of them had turned out to be real after all and she hadn't gone to investigate, she'd kick herself. There's no way she could let an opportunity like that pass her by!

First on her list... a possible ghost in the boy's bathroom on the second floor. That one was going to be tricky. Had her hair been shorter, she might have been able to pass for a boy... but it looked like she was going to have to employ some outside help for this particular task. She peered up and down the hallway she was in, looking for someone she could try to badger into helping her-no luck. She pouted for a bit, wondering just how she was going to solve this. She couldn't give up that easily.

Then, something hit her, as if some freak lightning bolt had lit the proverbial lightbulb above her head (never mind that a scenario like that was impossible; that word didn't exist to Haruhi). She quickly checked the time on her phone-if she was right, then a certain someone should have been out of class at the moment. A devious grin found its way onto her face as she made her way toward the literary club room, throwing the door open as she strode into the room.

No such thing as a quiet day, indeed.
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