Feb 17, 2012 21:59
If you leave the whole academics thing out of it, things have been almost alright lately. Quick summary of events [not much self-loathing to wax tragic about, probably because of the lack of impending work and doom]:
-Intended to wake early [10?] to do Econ p-set, woke at 1:23 pm in time to run Levitt's class
-4:45 Office hours with Woody; he's such a hilarious person, I'm so glad to be in his class even though I'm failing it and still have very little idea of what I'm doing
-5:15 Attended the Sofia Gubaidulina concert at the Harris Theater through ArtsPass with Katie, Faith, and Mike; met Jessica, Katie and Faith's friend from Jerusalem. The dinner was really good--the concert, not so much [this modern thing, sigh]. Listening to Tim [the flautist for Eighth Blackbird] speak so emphatic about music was exciting though; hand gestures can be so mesmerizing.
-Return early to the Reg, work on Econ p-set there from when I got back [around 10] until 6 am, when I left for home to shower and [ostensibly] take a nap before going to class at 10:30 to turn in the now "finished" pset.
-Woke up at 11 am. Yay. Cursed and ran to Econ.
-PBPL RSCH at 12
-Chilled in Harper after class until the next class. Man, every time I try to read in Harper, I just end up knocking out. Ugh.
-Listened to Dennis Hastert speak to our PBPL class at 4:30. He seems like a good person, had a great life story to tell.
-TA session for Levitt's class
Friday [TODAY OMG]
-Woke at 11, walked to CWAC, Chelsea not there, went to get groceries
-Came back at 1 with groceries, met prof at 1:30 [she gave me some mochi from Japan!], went to see EALC prof about minoring.
-Waited for a LONG time for the advisor on call...got out at around 4 with the minor finally added.
-Made dinner [dumplings, noodles with 5-ingredient sauce [SO GOOD OMG]] while doing laundry [2 loads]
-Ran to the Point with Lucy
-Now in Reg, ostensibly to refill my water bottle, but I've been in here for an hour. Thank goodness it closes at 10 so I'm going to be kicked out.
-HOPEFULLY: go home, shower, call home, sleep.
TOMORROW [Saturday]
-Wake at 10, prep lunch at 12 for Ben, Alex, Ken [tofu, pork, noodles, rice]
-Missa Solemnis dinner at Josh's at 5
-CUSA/SAMSU party at 10