Dec 16, 2011 15:48
Got my wisdom teeth pulled this morning. They were all really nice to me; Anna, one of the nurses, actually came to my house to pick me up, and drove me back when the surgery was done, because no one was at home to [I can't drive after IV sedation...]. I think it all went pretty quickly; I went under around 9:30, and awoke around 10:15 or so. I'm really hungry right now. =/
Ugh, okay, main reason for going on computer while under medication and in pain:
First thing my sister does when she comes back is go to the restroom, look at the trash can, run out at me and scream "EWWW, YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT. You have to cover it!" [in reference to my blood that's in it]. Well, a thousand apologies best-brat-in-the-universe, let me shield it from your virgin eyes with a golden shroud so you can proceed to play on your computer in nonchalant bliss. God, I don't even know.