it is time for a game of "You BAAAAAAAW you lose!"
We will start with some easy ones, because they are also kind of funny.
http://doodle-master.deviantart.com/art/29-disneyland-190710059 http://doodle-master.deviantart.com/art/HI-5-ME-BRO-190062897 http://beatfu.deviantart.com/art/Glubbers-Gonna-Glub-194629999 up the stakes a little bit
http://dobie.deviantart.com/art/sad-hug-203975214 http://konpeito-ko.deviantart.com/art/HoNk-194954423 http://konpeito-ko.deviantart.com/art/Le-Roi-est-Mort-189765077 and now for real reals
http://shadizilla.deviantart.com/art/pLEASE-i-NEED-THIS-169336734 http://apixelateddream.deviantart.com/art/straight-on-til-morning-193770926 http://tewi.us/tegaki/dblog.php?u=10376&e=1415708 in other newws my pc keeps gettin attacked with shitty malwware
I havve had it up to fuckin here wwith this, can't evven boot up some antimalwware softwware from a removvable hard drivve in fuckin safe mode, wwhat the shit is this shit
also wwhy is this typing quirk the most fun
in other other news I might be writing a little something on the meme of suggestive homestuck fan produced literature and art
John is a glasses-less redhead because they are on the run from the feds. I. I don't even know. I'll post the fic or a link to the fic here when it is a bit further along.