All right, so I apparently cannot go a Valentine's day without drawing something for it, regardless. XD;
Also this is the second V-Day in which I have gone with a zombie theme, I wonder if this is to become a pattern with me.
This was done for p_for_polkadots on the
V-Day kiss meme, yes, that same meme which resulted in my receiving a delicious genderswap fic. ♥ I have really been enjoying request/prompt memes lately.
Speaking of, there is another one going on here:
I have made two requests, in both Harry Potter and Homestuck fandoms. I haven't filled any yet because those are basically the two fandoms I feel I can do right now, and nobody else yet has requested for them. XD; But if somebody does I'll try to do a fill! HINT, HINT
all right, bedtime.