(no subject)

Aug 29, 2010 20:41

Oh my god.
Oh my god you guys.

A new comic update.

DON'T GET TOO EXCITED, it is sadly not the next page of Same Song--but I think having managed this update, I might be able to do more comic pages soon? Maybe?

It is instead a little musical interlude with Ashes and the Princess--of Ashes, naturally. There is also a BUNCH of new fanart posted (all things that have shown up here/at devart before, but still) and even a couple new links. SPEAKING OF WHICH, if I ought to have your site linked but I don't, yell at me and I'll fix that!

Hm, what else... I feel like there were other things I wanted to say...

Have I mentioned on LJ that I want to be Harry Potter for Halloween? Well, actually James "Prongs" Potter, but most people will probably guess that I'm aiming for Harry. XD; Don't feel like investing in green contacts though! (Like I ever feel like investing in contact lenses...) Could always buy some antlers to wear, though... XD;
ANYWAY, the price for that costume is looking kind of horrendous; I might hold off on buying the robes until I head off to Anime Detour (planning to wear it then, as well). Although if I don't get the scarf, either, it's a lot more manageable--but without the scarf and robes, it's a lot less recognizable... uuughhh and then the scarf that I really would like probably wouldn't make it here until November anyway. (I want the 8 ft one from here--but in Gryffindor colours, naturally. ... Even if I am a Hufflepuff at heart.) Could easily get a cheaper one here and probably on time for Halloween, but it's not as long and I'm not sure on the quality...
I'm thinking I'll just add a ribbon or hem tape to this for the sweater vest, rather than buy one custom off some site (though there are several options I've discovered that actually look quite nice).
At least I'm getting the tie for super cheap! And no wig is necessary, just a little trim~
Not sure what I'll do about the wand, or even if I want one... hm.

HEY LIZ, AMAYA, either of you wanna be the Lily to my James~? Eh, eh? ::waggles eyebrows::
I've got the cocky asshole personality of this cosplay covered, let me tell you.

Ooooh, saw Black ★ Rock Shooter yesterday!
Watched it with my slash goggles on. Mato + Yomi = new OTP, get!

Okay maybe she said it as a joke, but those are heavy words! You can't just throw that around!
And the scene with the scarf, oh my god, such a good set up for a kiss~

Seriously, screw the scantily clad girls fighting in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, the best thing about this anime was the adorable schoolgirl yuri.

expect fanart/fanfic soon



black ★ rock shooter, arts, harry potter, ashes, inversion studios

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