(no subject)

Oct 04, 2009 21:18

Well that was charming. Computer, it's awfully sweet of you to suddenly shut down with no warning whatsoever and remind me just how grateful I am that I save progress often. Note to self, install new power supply that Collin gave you.

In other news!

New page of Ikan is up!

For those of you who have seen the first half of Ikan, whether you bought the book or saw it on the wall at MCAD, these past weeks must have been very boring for you, what with me just posting what you already know. BUT, this is page 17, which means there are only two more story pages within book one. So new art will be arriving shortly! However, after book one of Ikan concludes, we'll actually be taking a break for an original Halloween story scripted by the ever-awesome rayemars.

Fun fact! rayemars scripted this thing for me like two years ago. I'm made of fail! =Db

Because of this, I might increase frequency in updates, so that the story can come out much closer to Halloween, instead of starting before it and ending after November. And that way, new Ikan can happen sooner as well. Yes, yes, I know I have threatened to update more often before and only ever followed through on it once for a short period of time. It really depends on how my life goes; right now I am severely lacking in peace of mind and it impedes upon creative productivity a lot. I have a job interview tomorrow morning however, and I am SUPER HOPEFUL about it (it is the follow-up to the Gamestop interview I had before! Apparently they tried to call me about it almost a full week ago but my phone OM NOM NOM'd the voicemail). If I get this job (or any good job) I see my productivity increasing, because despite the chunk of my time that a job would take, it would also mean that the time I've been spending stressed out, sitting around doing nothing because I am overwhelmed, and I mean not even playing video games or anything because I'm all "self, you can't play vidya gaems, you need to do work now" but then I don't get work done either--all that time, yes, that time! Could suddenly become productive time.

So if you like my artwork, wish me luck. =Db

In other news, Muramasa contest results still not announced! Apparently the last fanart contest this company had, they didn't announce the results until two months after they'd said they would, so, um. Come on guys, I know there are a lot of amazing entries and all but really? Really?

oh shi--, rl, inversion studios

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