(no subject)

Aug 30, 2009 21:26

Comic update! Page 12 of Ikan is up!

If I can continue the productivity levels I had this past week, I will likely be changing comic posting dates to twice a week. We'll see, don't wanna jinx it...

Found an old sketchbook of mine, and some interesting drawings in it... It's always so neat to see how far I've come but also to see where I was working out problems and learning more anatomy, sometimes I see things I've forgotten to do now in my sketchbooks. Did scan in these old Okage sketches for some fantasy AU that I never did anything with. Truthfully I still have the beginning of that fanfic on my mac hard drive. So I guess I couldn't do anything with it now even if I wanted to.

For the YGO fans on my flist: I love it when cosplayers do things like this.
I don't know why I even look at YGO things anymore, that anime... that anime...

rec, okage, inversion studios

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