(no subject)

Jul 25, 2009 23:42

SO, Otakon report is coming soon. Been teaching and so I've been worn out when I get home each day. edmondia posted some photos over here though, so you can see some of our fantastical adventures~ :3 Lots of amazing cosplay.

In other news my buddy Hedwig is making gorgeous art books which she is selling! Check them out, they are lovely. And all completely handmade by her.

So, teaching was a lot of fun this last week. I think all my classes went well. =]

I... discovered I'm not very good with special needs kids! I mean, I'm pretty good for having never received any training in how to interact with a special needs kid, but the thing is that I start to get impatient because they can't keep up with the other youths in the camp, and then I remember that it's really not their fault and completely out of their control, so then I'm annoyed with myself. Maybe if I had training, I would be all right with them? But as is, I'm not. Anyway, they still seemed to have fun, so it may just be my insecurities!

My insecurities were pretty horrible today, speaking of which, ugh. I wonder if my mom feels like that all the time, no wonder she's so crazy. =[ Well, once I calmed down, I think those feelings might make some good comic fodder for that one story... but it wasn't pleasant for the duration.

Anyway, another week of teaching left, so tomorrow I'll be getting ready for that. Also it seems I might be able to get classes in the fall, but for adult students?!? I'm not entirely sure I'm ready for that, but on the other hand...! Also it's an exciting prospect to not constantly have to censor myself (I mean, I'll maintain the same level of decorum, but with the youth classes I have to look out for all sorts of, I don't know, potentially offensive content in anything I show to them, it's really limiting. Especially with anime, since the cultural divide on what's acceptable is so different).

Well, exciting and busy times ahead! Time to go.

rec, phoenix wright, rl

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