(no subject)

Apr 24, 2009 07:57

I woke up at 7 AM to grab a shelf for my senior show.

I'm not really sure when the last time I was up at this hour was.

I keep meaning to update my website with this but until I get my senior show hung I think the devart post will have to do.

I really want to make some illustrations of my original characters in fighting game style, like the VS screen that comes up before a match. However in sketching them out, I discovered that really only four of my characters are fighters, and all of those characters are women. (For the curious, those characters are Manon [melee: bugfuck crazy berserker], Róisín [ranged precision attacks with spear], the Princess from Ashes [fencing rapier], and the mermaid from my senior project, Ikan [melee with spear].)
There are two other characters I could add in but I haven't actually worked with their stories at all yet so their personalities might change a little... one of those is guy however! He's a long range water-magic user.
the other one is a midget with an axe.

I guess I just like drawing women better! what do I mean I guess. it's the truth. ;_:

If I knew how to program flash for it I would totally make a go at actually making a fighting game with them. XD; It would be a stupid side scroller with no real story to speak of. You could fight the Péiste from Róisín! And you could fight the hydra sisters Charlene, Sarabella, and Cindy and DAMMIT AMAYA WHY IS THAT PICTURE NO LONGER ON DEVART ;o; now i need to scan Sarabella so people know what the hell I am talking about. And um maybe there would be bosses who weren't giant reptilian monsters? Hm. I guess you could fight those three crazy bitches from the webcomic, too. 8D;
... Damn, I really, really ought to get the webcomic to the point where Maria appears. She would make an excellent bossfight. Fuckin' crazy bitch might even have Final Boss stats, I don't even know.

Oh well. For now I am going back home to sleep.

arts, ashes, Róisín, senior projeeeeect, pointless entries

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