la triche est le jeux!?

Mar 30, 2009 00:53

On Friday we had an EPIC video game night here. I played Castle Crashers for who knows how long, until the DDR station was set up--at which point I learned, I am so goddamn out of shape. It is disgusting. After one song, I was ready to die. Admittedly, the six slices of pizza prior may not have helped. DON'T JUDGE ME, IT WAS FREE. THE FIRST RULE OF A FREELANCE ARTIST IS TO NEVER PASS UP FREE FOOD. I could only play one or two songs in a row after resting for almost 10 minutes between each attempt. I think near the end of the night I managed three songs in a row, but it was really horrible. I used to be able to go 30 minutes to an hour on DDR, good songs on standard mode. I COULD GET AN A ON CAN'T STOP FALLING IN LOVE SPEED MIX. oh how the Sam has fallen. ;_;

I haven't DDRed all year because I live on the 3rd floor of my building and don't want to stomp all over my downstairs neighbor, but it may be necessary. I'm only here for two more months after all--and I could keep it to the middle of the day... >=T

UNRELATED, i hope the fansubbers get further on Wakfu soon, I've been watching ahead and it is a CRIME to not have these episodes available. X3

Episodes 10, 11, and 12 are a 3-part arc of RIDICULOUSNESS. A horrible football parody in which Amalia has a black eye for 2 1/2 episodes running, old men get the shit beat out of them, and apparently cheating is the point of the game. Have some hilarious screencaps. It is ridiculously easy to rip the flash files straight out of the official website, that's kind of ... weird. I stopped even trying to translate because shit was too goddamn funny.

For the first two episodes I was kind of disappointed that the girls didn't get to play, but on the one hand there's a REASON Amalia has that black eye, both of them are established to not be melee fighters, and Eva doesn't even want to play. And on the other hand those cheerleader outfits are goddamn glorious. BUT come the third episode those girls are on the field, and I was satisfied. =Db

Also they don't let Yugo on the field until the girls go out as well, so they're not the only ones who were held back. Et aussi YUGO EST SI MIGNON, C'EST TROP, CE N'EST PAS JUSTE.

Amalia can express my frustrations.

I need to make a .gif of this; the ass-slapping isn't half as majestic in a still shot. Oh Tristepin. Never change.

The opposing team has a fearful vision of the future Yugo. I fucking died laughing. I need to icon that shit, ASAP.

Oh man, what a great start to Spring Break.

screencaps, wakfu, rl

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