HOLY CRAP, YES. :o I fixed my scanner... by myself. No help from my dad. GO ME. xD. NAD NOW IVE GOT SCANNING CRAZY o-o. I scanned every picture I could find.
I drew this of my sister last night o.o'
"Mickey can we get your autograph?"
Im the one with the hair thats down, on the left o-o. Thats me and my best friend on Inu's birthday :B. July 4th.
Bad picture x.x It was taken in front of a really big Buzz statue (from buzz and woody) but this tall guy got in front of the statue! >(
My butt. Haha xD. That was a Nickelodeon Slime time Live thing they picked me to do a Nickelodeon trivia with thise Scottish guy! O.O It was funny. The host dude asked the scottish guy where he was from and then when he said "Scottland" he said Welcome to America, then he asked me and I said Texas and he said "Well, welcome to America!" Then I laughed really hard o_o.
That one was at Disney world at the end of the day. Me and my sister (sister's on the left, me on the right) were in front of this huge boat with lights on it.
That small little village is just cool. xD.
Uh. Me infront of a bell. My shirt was all sticking out. ):. And my head was all sticking in o-o. BAD PICTURE. xD
:o. Dude.