It Lives...

May 08, 2009 10:06

So I'm still alive, and have been obviously for the past 69 (!?) weeks I haven't updated, nuts.

Basic update then...

I work at HMV, not sure if I did the last time I signed in.

Black Tie came to a comfortable stop after the pub we were operating out of was flagged as a mass hideout for druggies and was busted with having thousands of pounds worth of drugs being held upstairs, not our fault.

Angela and I will have been together for three years come June, haven't regretted a second of it.

I now weigh 10 stone roughly, and that's cool.

Still seeing bands.

Still can't keep an entry going with anything interesting it would seem, hell, I'm not even aware of who does and doesn't post on LJ anymore, not to say I'm any less aware of any of the people who used to be on LJ all those years ago...
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