still alive.
i'll elaborate on the past month or so shall i?
i met this lovely girl called angela. didnt think she'd ever be interested in me, but was proved wrong, rather brilliantly. angela is now my girlfriend and i am happy, happy, joy, joy!
i decided i'd had enough of having a fucking beard for almost 2 and a half years, so i shaved off the moustache, then the rest when i got back from download last monday, it feels lovely, and apparently thats how it looks aswell.
so theres a nice pic of angela and i, aswell as my shaven face.
i saw all the bands i wanted to at download, including the ever-metal strapping young lad, tool, deftones, DOWN and alice in chains to name but a few. i spent £20 on tequila slush puppies while off my face on drugs and can honestly say ive never had an experience like it.weird.
thats about all, i could elaborate further, but i cant keep my eyes open.