May 03, 2005 21:12
The last time I updated was lst week Fri = 29th April!
Saturday I went 2 town about 2ish :), had the urge 2 jump off @ the barrass but the bus passed the stop so we had no choice (me + Charlene) but 2 sit bk down and continue our journey 2 the town! Then I got £50 out of ma £90 fr ma ema in that wk. Went 2 Tammy and got the other lace's which I already have, cept diff colour (Red + White/Black Star lace's, Cannae mind if it was black or white star one's) Then we t%k the 16 shop foties :) I stuck 1 sticker on ma bad, back of ma fon. schuh and front of ma checked belt <3 :). Then I fot a grey (font + punky fish) green see-thru, fist net like (back) top :) and a blue, white and pink pucca zipper :) white + pink + pucca no ma choice of colours + brand but the 3 combined colours are x s. h. w. e. e. t x :)
I also got the blue, red gurl boxers fr top shop :) addiction :P
Then we went 2 china buffet king about 6ish (first time ive been there) first impression fr me =
x B. e. a. u. t. e. e. e. f. u. l. x
Our young scots gave us sum amount of discount man :) s'poz 2 cost £20 but the bill rounded up 2 only £12 = £6 each, bargin :D A <3 that place tis gr8, shall go bk their 1 day (Dave promised we'd go there 1 day :) )
Then we went 2 the net cafe coz we didnt wana go home 2 early and there was nuffin gd in the pic's, then David txt'd me and came down 2 met me <3 :) we hung out for and hour an abit then we walked him 2 the central (oaft his bro is hot man :P so Charlene and I thinks) haha then we got out bus, came home jus b 12.
I t%k sum pic's of me and Dav on ma fon while we were in the net cafe and i've got sum pic's of him on his own sittin @ the central! That place smells of shxt pfft
Ayee wen we we're waitin for the bus I saw Thomas makin his way 2 the shxt house :P respect for that place actually coz I liked it wen Dav's band
x HatexBecomesxThexHero x
played there :)
ayee bk on the subj wi Tom is hair is fxckin
x S t u n n i n x :)
Suits him loads like
Sunday met Dav about 2ish in the UGC we cudnt decide wot 2 see so instead we went for a walk about the town :)
We went 2 H&M, new l%k 2 l%k for a cheap black zipper h%dy for him, the men's stuff are 2 big for him, bless the child <3 :) :P so we had 2 get him sum gurlie stuff but meh I aint gurlie so neither is he :P I told him 2 get the black h%dy zipper with 2 white lines donw the sleeves he wasnt sure @ first so I was like u stand here for 5mins think about it while I bopa round the top! Results after I dilly dallied about he decided 2 try it on x P E R F E C Tx suits him v.much! L8r's he was like I actually quite like this and I was like COURse I've got it so it shall be x S t u n n i n x :P
We went 2 b%ts so we cud get him black eye liner they didnt have my brand! so I says I wud give him mine but I cudnt find it :( so he bot one and I stole his plain black fingerless glove then he was like can I get it bk now I feel naked without it, I was naww u can have this instead *throws tiny black sweatie @ Dav* then he was like can I ACTUALLy have this??
I was like course :) Then L8r's I gave his glove back and he gave me his red + blk fingerles glove :)
In virgin. M. stores (Our fav, sittin down place wen we've walked about 2 much and get tired :P)
I asked him 2 draw me a pic :) he drew me diz c%l animie/manga type character :D soo c%l he drew it like in 5mins tops :) that boy is 1 talented wee chap <3 oaft I T%k a vid of it while he was drawin it :) then i t%k sum more pic's of him he is one fotogenic boy :) I was like how much do u think I cud sell these pic's for wen u get famous and signed :P then he was like no every much!
We went 2 this place 2 try sum tea :) along buchanan st. hee hee never went in their b4, infact i aint been 2 much shops in buck, ayeee so the tea was luvalee hee hee we drank like cutfuls :P
then Dave was like lets pretend we're buyin this :P
We held hands @ times :PI <3 him soooo much, he'll always be the boy that I wana stay close fwends wi
x F. o. r. e. v. a x & x A. x D. a. y. x
I think everytime I mention him on ma lj updates I always say how much I <3 him 'n' all ach it has 2 be dun like :P
We went 2 K.f.c So I cud get f%d :) Then his dad called him 2 say he won't be able 2 pick him up till half 7...I didnt wana leave him on his own, coz 1: He'd be bored, 2: He's ma stunnin wee fwend :) 3: I wanted 2 be with him :), so we went 2 the pic's 2 see xXx's :) tis gd me thinks, abit unrealistic but mon they are all the same, u can't expect dramatic changes like!
Then I walked him down 2 the central about 7ish nearly 8 so his daddy cud pick him up, I had 2 go b4 his daddy came b-coz I had 2 catch the bus (which either didnt come or I missed it :(
ayeee said our wee gd bye's :) the usual hug, hug, kiss *waves* x *tunrs bk* x *smiles's* x *waves for one last time* :)
Ayee so the drunk dude annoyed me on the bus won't go in 2 that can't be arsed!
Monday painted all day man :)
Tis fun me <3's paintin gets borin after a while tho!
Then I went on -line :) Spoke 2 my sexee gurl Sammie which she defo filled in ma blog but her thingy wasnt there :( but she did it for me again without me askin coz she simplee knows better :P and she's beauteeful :) :P *hugs*
ayee I also got Gezo/Azzura(sounds + suits him better) 2 fill it in for meh :) tis sum c%l answers dispite the fact he's only known me for a few weeks or so :)
Alexis gig on friday I kinda wana go, Tis those kinda bands u'd see for the sake of it (for me anyways, sake of a gig, tis a stunnin excuse like :P) but meh I have no £, not enuf neways!
Sterophonic's - Dekota. = Oaft
Today I finished makin ma bag in art :) t%k sum foties they are nice ones 2 :)
Then I modelled Gem's bra for her :P I had 2 take it on and off like 65 bizillion times coz she didnt take the pic's and she didnt have a clue how 2 use the digi cam :P I was like u suda just asked me sake :P Ayee she was like apologisin 10 bizillion times sayin it must be dead embarrasin 4 me 'n' all and I was like narr tis c%l like.. coz we're both straight chickks :P <3 haha
after skl went 2 town 2 try and get gig tickets but nooo they sed they are waitin for them shall be a couple of days, I may be totally £less by then :( tis pure balls man!
Thurs is ma art exam! EXCITEMENT :P well twas till the point where I want 2 add colour 2 ma drawin and I can't do it v.well :(
Blue Skies @ War are reather sexee ;) :P
I have a nu acc, have had 1 for a while now but I havnt added so many ppl either a) I dislike u, u annoy me in sum ways just bein on-line (harsh but truthful) ) I barely know u and ur just on ma acc c) ur ONE OF THOSE STUCK UP MUDA FUCKERS!!! WHO DONT MSG ANY 1 FIRST OR SPEAK 2 THEM UNLESS THEY SPEAK 2 U, (U ARE A SAD CXNT & THINK UR SPECIAL) d) I don't talk 2 u enuf/ other way around e) I've simply forgotten 2 add u
Oast wisnae wot I had in mind 2 say but heh the truth jus came out once and for all :)
Oaft i'm away
<3 x