One more week to go. Am very very scared of finals and term papers. Very.
Have slowly been revealing to the majority of the student body just how odd I am though. Wonder why I never did it in high school? Oh, yes. It's much more acceptable to be quirky in college. -_-;;
First there was the CCS paper.
Soon there will be the mega awesome cartoon term paper which will encompass Looney Tunes and Disney as well as anime. And which I have to write today. Right now.
Then there was the animal-related professional shadowing paper (which contained gratuitous use of "Ibizan Hound." Why? Because I thought I saw one in Overton Park by the zoo) in which I extolled the virtues of practical protection dog training as opposed to schutzhund and heavily implied that the local "professional" dog trainer I interviewed had no idea what she was talking about when it came to either of them. Bring back a body part, indeed. Hmph. If you want a dead dog and one hell of a lawsuit, then by all means, have your dog bring back a body part. Sane people don't train their dogs to dismantle humans. It's crap like that that gives protection dogs a bad name.
Finally there was the presentation on what my future career will be. Rambled about ethology and applied animal behavior before spending quite a bit of time on breed bastardization by the media and the general public. And that moved right on into breed misidentification and the problem with the label of "pit bull" followed by demanding that my audience put their money where their mouth is and find the pit bull! Which they failed to do. Heh! Maybe they learned something though. Don't automatically assume that a dog is what you think it is... unless you've been attending dog shows for over a decade and can ID upwards of 150 breeds on sight. (Obsessive much? Me? Never!)
Think you can do it? Play the find the pit bull game at: got it right on my first try and was able to identify most of the other breeds used. I'm a puppy freak though.