There's a Cloud in Every Silver Lining

Jul 27, 2004 18:47

Except that's not quite how the saying goes, is it? Sometimes I think my version is more accurate though.

It's rather interesting in a morbid sort of way -- the women on my paternal side appear to develop psychic powers shortly before they die.

My grandmother said that her last Christmas would be her last Christmas before she was diagnosed with cancer. She also predicted the exact day that she would die.

My great aunt (my grandmother's older sister) is not sick but has simply become so old that her body won't hold up anymore. No one's quite sure how old she is. The current age they're giving is 91, but she was 89 several birthdays in a row. Of course, when you get to be that old your exact age doesn't really matter anymore. She's bedridden now (and the doctors say there's nothing they can do for her) so she's been entertaining herself by naming the people who are going to come visit her on a certain day before those people show up or call to inform them that they're coming. She's quite accurate too. *laughs* She knew my parents were going to visit on Sunday before they'd even decided to go.

She's also been seeing and talking to people who died years ago. My grandmother did that too. Her ties to the physical realm are fading, and she's opening to the spiritual and emotional planes. Maybe that's where the powers come in. The boundaries between worlds are disappearing.

Kinda gives you hope doesn't it? That there's something beyond this existence.

She's ready to go. It's only a matter of time. And I'm not sad for her, really I'm not. I'm sad for the people she leaves behind (which includes me).

Something to reflect on, to ponder.


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