Jan 31, 2010 21:42
I have been freezing all day, and I will not stand for it anymore! Nor sit, nor fall over, nor twist myself into yoga pretzels, nor lie prone. I am going to figure out a way to replace my blood with antifreeze. That’s right, from now on you may call me Ethylene Glycol Girl!
I finished up the Gardasil series last Tuesday. I can now be One Less! Right up until the point that I'm diagnosed with HPV or cervical cancer. -_-;; Also, those of you in the health care professions, for further reference, do not tell your patients that something is going to hurt and then act surprised and disapproving about their muscles tensing up.
I occasionally browse science articles in my spare time because I'm a nerd and things like that make me happy. I have come to the conclusion that science writers have all the best fun in that whole 'writing professionally' thing. How many normal journalists get to use headlines like "Intense males have the best sperm"? Not that many. That article, by the way, was talking about the feather coloration of those adorable little birds known as tits. The jokes, they write themselves; you can make up your own.
Months after being gifted it, I finally watched Lars and the Real Girl. The execution is completely not what one would expect it to be given the premise. The premise? Social loner falls in love with a sex doll. Yeah, Ryan Gosling should never have just a mustache. Surprisingly the movie is never vulgar or even crass or ridiculously humorous. There is certainly some humor of the absurd to be found in it-helloooo, premise?-but it's primarily melancholic and ultimately uplifting regarding the nature of human compassion. Rather awkward to watch alone, but also probably awkward to watch with other people. Alcohol would no doubt help.
I also watched Fantastic Planet. 1970s French animation. Surreal and weird as hell. Visually a bit like Dr. Seuss if Dr. Seuss went in for dystopian settings. Bii~ig blue aliens; little vermin humans. Plants and animals and environments out of Sam I Am's worst nightmares.
I now need either a fluffy romantic comedy or a pyrotechnic bloodbath to cleanse the palate.
I also need to look up loan deferments again. I'm pretty sure I'm taking enough hours to get them deferred. I just want to know if I'll have to start all over with the normal interest rate again or if Ill be re-granted my current lower thanks-for-paying-us-so-well interest rate.
Also posted more Facebook statuses for the previous months, but I backdated them so you only have to look if you want.
healthcare is a crappy thing,
my most exciting life ever