First off, anybody know a good place for a girl to get a corset?
I'm also buying a laptop this week. I think.
More random stuff just to clean out the draft folder in my head (and on my computer). None of it is contextual or necessarily sense-making. Don't worry about it.
Here's a confession for you: I thought augmented matrices were fun.
Why'd you have to go and play Twilight Serenade?!
I came to the sudden blinding realization that trees are just like phoenixes-rising from ashes and all that. Rebirth and stuff. This explains things that you likely never wondered about. Like the sense of affinity I feel for the phoenix while being irrationally afraid of fire. Constant reinvention, while maybe not necessarily a good or healthy thing, is something that I have some experience with. Cycles of creation and destruction. This may be something I need to reframe mentally to get the most benefit, instead of just beating myself for my failures.
Just being myself should be enough. I'm a pretty spiffy person overall, right?
I think I need to go find my inner tree again. Value and nourish myself and watch myself grow and branch off into microcosms of me. If no one can ever no another completely, at least those known little pieces should be interesting, right? If I don't take care of myself I start to stagnate and die. So maybe now it's time to turn inward and start finding myself again.
I've got to stop reading sad stuff. I'm a sap beneath it all and will cry over the stupidest things. Like The Notebook (although that wasn't it this time). I hated the obsessive stalking bits in the beginning and would never have agreed to date him myself-because I'd be terrified of him-but the ending makes me wibble like a forlorn child each and every time. Great heaving sobs that get sucked right back up so no one will know so I'm silently choking with tears streaming out like Niagara. And I deserve your mockery but that will hardly prevent me from hitting you for it.
I have so many links bookmarked, and I don't even know what they are anymore. Debating whether to refresh my memory or just start deleting things. I go through phases where I want to simplify everything. This conflicts greatly with my usual state of packrat-ness.
Holy hell, Josh Groban says my name in "America"! I've never noticed that before! I'll be in my bunk if anyone needs me.
I need to start a quote post and just add to it. It'd be so much easier to have everything in one place, yes? Yes.
A one-armed woman dancing with a one-legged man. Yeah, it sounds like a bad joke. Watch it anyway because it's not. It's actually pretty gorgeous.
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