Oct 14, 2008 21:41
Driving in Memphis was even more adventuresome than usual. On my way home from work I:
- saw a little sporty car that had apparently jumped the curb into a parking/unloading area to land wedged under the back of an 18 wheeler
- almost got a little fenderbender-y and smooshy myself when the guy in front of me decided to slam on his brakes to rubberneck
- saw a one-legged amputee on crutches hobbling down the middle of the turning lane on Airways (in rush hour traffic; I almost had a heart attack after I stopped thinking I was hallucinating)
- had one of those earth-moving equipment transport trailer things swing its back half over into my lane while it swerved around a MATA bus
- was passed by a police chase
My language has not been so polite. Can't imagine why.
Had a random strange man exiting Target as I was entering stop me to tell me that my hair was beautiful today. Simply thanked him rather than correcting him with the information that my hair is beautiful every day.
Random work quotes:
Him: I can't believe I talk to you.
Me: ::whiny, tearful:: You used me!
Him: When? As a student?
Me: No, just now.
Her: What are you two doing out there?
Me: He's yelling at me!
Him: ::yelling:: I am not yelling!
Her: Don't you be mean to her!
Him: You're not very helpful.
Me: I'm not here to be helpful! I'm here to be decorative!
Other random things:
I am a Pied Piper to cats. Don't believe me? Ask my boss.
Apparently I "talk" too much. Who'd have ever thought that? I was banned from posting Notes on Facebook (all public MySpace posts feed over there) although it seems to have now been lifted. Anybody know what their spacial/numerical limit is? How far apart should posts be spaced? Should I go back and delete old notes? Because it's a feed with an outside link, I wouldn't think it'd take up all that much server space--especially compared to repeatedly throwing a sheep at someone--but it seems it's offensive. My bad.
My boss brought me Starbucks hot chocolate as a surprise treat for working so hard last week. (See? Even my boss knows about my coffee issues! That's how bad it is!) I loved the quote from Keith Olbermann on the cup:
The world bursts at the seams with people ready to tell you you're not good enough. On occasion, some may be correct. But do not do their work for them. Seek any job; ask anyone out; pursue any goal. Don't take it personally when they say "no" -- they may not be smart enough to say "yes."
However, I'm sooo not getting the espresso-drinking sea monsters on the non-spillage stick thingies. Coffee. Monstrous ocean dweller. Does not compute.
I swear I have heard more different women singers cover The Cure's "Just Like Heaven" than.... I don't know what. Suddenly everyone everywhere who is female and can sing is doing so.
And what is up with my relative unknowns suddenly becoming popular? Matt Nathanson is being played on the radio, Brandi Carlile is being played in Best Buy, and paramore has songs on the Twilight soundtrack. Who's going to be next, and how can I possibly maintain an air of superiority if everyone knows what I'm talking about? (Vanessa, I also still owe you music share. Kick me.)
Anybody know where I can find a repository of subtitled Bollywood movies? I've got a hankering.
the girl's crazy,
no really it's not fiction,
random and/or amazing things,
my most exciting life ever