Feb 29, 2008 22:10
Went to the doctor this morning. Was seen by a nurse practitioner and a doctor. Their response can be summed up as "Hmm, all the tests we did came back normal so we don't know. Let's send you to a specialist!" So I have an appointment elsewhere next Thursday, pushing back the dear old standard physical even farther. Before anyone gets concerned, the mystery condition is uncomfortable and inconvenient but hardly life threatening. I am functioning quite as usual.
Took a two hour nap this afternoon. 'Twas marvelous. Mason also proved that he can balance like a mountain goat on two inches of mattress in order to jab the back of my head with his nose and make sure I'm still breathing. It may have been a dreary, yucky day, but I was not supposed to be in bed!
He's getting his big dog teeth in! My little baby's all growing up! Currently has a set of double top fangs on the right side with little stabbity baby tooth all cuddled up to big dog blunt tooth.
I have been pondering the future and some choices that have to be made fairly soon. I need to get a bit more info about some stuff, but I think I know what I'm going to do--put off action. Choosing to do nothing is a choice and an action in itself, after all. If I go the route I'm thinking, I'll end up delaying my graduation date even farther... but it might be worth it for my mental health. We shall see.
Tomorrow will be a fairly busy day. I have to go shopping in the morning to pick up a few things and then I have a baby birthday party to attend. Later on, I think I shall have a date with myself. I haven't done that in a long time. Weather permitting, I know what I want to do. It will be awesome in its aloneness.
I bought a yoga dvd last week and plan to either start up tomorrow night or Sunday night. Have to start practicing for my spirituality class and write a paper on the experience in April. Gonna be bendy! I'm looking forward to it actually, although it's going to take some negotiation to get a room with enough floor space all to myself. I'm unexpectedly flexible now so I can't wait to see where I end up.
Writing of CoL entry commenced in class earlier this week. It has not progressed since class ended, but I'll take care of that next week. Things to do, people to see, schedules to juggle and coordinate, good to be done.
There are so many things to say, so many things to talk about if only I can get my head wrapped around how to word them. I like who I am now, but sometimes I miss the person I used to be. I take opportunities for granted; I take time for granted; I take freedom for granted; I take people for granted. Forgive me.
fic: gundam wing: timeless (1xr),
healthcare is a crappy thing,
dogs: mason,
self improvement,
school: grad school,
my most exciting life ever