You know what?
It wasn't wheat gluten or rice protein concentrate that poisoned so many pets.
Emphasis mine:
"U.S. investigators also have learned that the purported Chinese wheat gluten and a second ingredient, rice protein concentrate, were actually simple wheat flour. The flour was spiked with melamine and related, nitrogen-rich compounds to make it appear more protein rich than it was. In tests, nitrogen levels are measured to gauge the overall protein content of food ingredients." It took them almost two months to figure that out?! Nobody ever thought to check the ingredient? No one ever thought, "hey, that doesn't look right"? Do any of them cook?! Where are the agri-scientists? Do they realize how many products we've been eating that contain wheat flour? Are they possibly aware of how incompetent they are?!
If you need me, I'll be over here beating my head against the wall.