I am tired and I have a headache so I'll make this brief...
haro for the icon! I love it! Onizuka has such fabulous man cleavage LOL
I have emails and messages to respond to (this is a never ending cycle) and I'll try to get to them tomorrow.
I know I've been a complete slacker on filling the request fics. I have started on all of the overdue ones and the next upcoming one. It's finding the time and energy and inspiration to finish them that's been the problem. But I will do it. I will.
Although I'll still be working for Boss #1 as a sort of independent contractor type thing in her private practice on an as-needed basis, Friday is my last day at work work. I've been job hunting and not all that successfully since no one wants to hire someone who can't work at all Mondays and Thursdays (grad classes, yo!). I do have an interview Thursday afternoon though so cross your fingers and wish me luck.
Dog shows this weekend, yay!
Orientation next week, bleh.
Classes start the week after that, ugh.
Summer, where have you gone?