Books Smell Like... Money?

May 31, 2006 21:38

So, today I was poking around on Amazon doing the "I own this and this and this and this" thing in response to the recommendations it kept tossing my way. In the process I found out that one of my shiny-and-amusing-but-the-author-is-slightly-testosterone-drenched dog books is apparently out of print and err... rather valuable.

Meaning that the single used copy available on Amazon is listed at $198.95 and the single used copy at Abebooks is listed at $456.19

ZOMFG!!! Color me flabbergasted!

I shall now be watching those pages like a little hawk because if someone is actually willing to pay that kind of money for it I am not at all so attached to the thing I would refuse to part with my own copy. (In fact... COME ON BABY SELL SELL SELL!!!!!!!!!!)

dogs, books

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