Because I Really Am That Geeky

May 24, 2005 16:22

I'm going to get a Game Cube. I'm sooooo going to get a Game Cube.

Why, when I do not consider myself a gamer and do not feel the need to own every system available? Why, when I have already resisted this long and lived happily with my Super Nintendo, Nintendo64, and the newly returned Sega Genesis and GameBoy?

There is one reason, and one reason only.

Because sometime, probably around Thanksgiving/Christmas if the marketing department has any intelligence, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will come out and it will rock my socks off.



It's funny, really. The bratling and I were just discussing on Sunday that we would buy a whole new system if only there were games involving horseracing/steeplechasing/eventing or roleplaying a hunting carnivore. Because we will seriously drag out the Nin64 Zeldas just to ride Epona around the world and jump stuff. And the first game I played when the SG came back was Crystal's Pony Tale...which has a target audience 6 year old girls but you play a pony and you can jump over things while ballet music plays in the background. It's like fluffy rainbow colored crack. The second SG game I played? The Lion King. Whooooo, we's whippin' some hyenas!

And today I read about this.

Everything I ever wanted in a game (with bonus simians!), and a member of my favorite game franchise to boot.

Time to break out the Christmas list.

legend of zelda

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