Sep 30, 2009 18:37
XD so i went and got myself sick in an awesome and dangerous way. I'm going to leave it at that.
But recent conversations with people at work and around campus has led me wonder about a few things. First of all, I should point out that between the 2 (TWO) failed engagements and one failed relationship to happen in the last 2 months, my belief in relationships as a social function for well adjusted individuals is at an all time low. What? Billy thinks relationships are intricate webs of self deception? Shocking!
Anyway, this is what I got:
With how impacting -
oh, fuck it. I actually had a lot to say on this matter, but in sorting through my thoughts i realized i dont give 2 shits about any of this and it was a fascination based on connections i'd made on the spot. It can all be summed up with this phrase:
Fuck. You.