What I like about fanfiction the most is this direct interactions that you can have with the writers. I find the discussion about what the writer intended versus what you got from it deeply interesting.
I must admit that I did not got the whole Regiment thing inmediatedly, however I was lucky enough to read a review that made it clear right after I finished reading the chapter, so I don't know how much it would have taken me to understand it on my own. I blamed my non-nativeness initially, but after realizing I wasn't the only one maybe you should have been clearer about it.
I was surprised to see some reviews that called Darla evil even after her motives were revealed. It is easy to point and judge, but not everyone would keep to their morals when trying to defend your baby sibling. It doesn't make her actions justifiable, but I find it hard to not empathize with her.
Deathly Regiment was a very dark story and I think it was realistic, to a point. Every good moment Alexandra enjoyed was tainted by her grief- which is what happens when you are grieving and have survivor's guilt. And obsessions like that do make living a life pretty difficult, which is why her life had to be filled with dark depressing toughts. I am glad that things will not be so very dark in the next books- I think that it is important to find a balance. Now that Alex has moved on from her grief, she can enjoy a little more. Serious things must happen, surely, but that doesn't mean that fun and silly are out of place, since they are a part of real life as much as the serious stuff is. In Lands Below, we enjoyed loads of moments that were simply good- Alex's birthday and her first visit to Roanoke, for example. Serious stuff happened, but we enjoyed as much as she did anyway. I want to draw a paralel to Order of the Phoenix- many people found it too dark and depressing, but some of the best Crowning Moments of Awesome in the entire series were there. The prank war against Umbridge, the twins' great escape- those were intensely gratifying moments. We weren't able to enjoy almost any break Alex had in this book- there was a good reason for that- but I do hope we will in the future.
I still hope to do a complete review once uni is over- that won't be until the 10th of July. I'm looking forward to the re-read.
I must admit that I did not got the whole Regiment thing inmediatedly, however I was lucky enough to read a review that made it clear right after I finished reading the chapter, so I don't know how much it would have taken me to understand it on my own. I blamed my non-nativeness initially, but after realizing I wasn't the only one maybe you should have been clearer about it.
I was surprised to see some reviews that called Darla evil even after her motives were revealed. It is easy to point and judge, but not everyone would keep to their morals when trying to defend your baby sibling. It doesn't make
her actions justifiable, but I find it hard to not empathize with her.
Deathly Regiment was a very dark story and I think it was realistic, to a point. Every good moment Alexandra enjoyed was tainted by her grief- which is what happens when you are grieving and have survivor's guilt. And obsessions like that do make living a life pretty difficult, which is why her life had to be filled with dark depressing toughts. I am glad that things will not be so very dark in the next books- I think that it is important to find a balance. Now that Alex has moved on from her grief, she can enjoy a little more. Serious things must happen, surely, but that doesn't mean that fun and silly are out of place, since they are a part of real life as much as the serious stuff is. In Lands Below, we enjoyed loads of moments that were simply good- Alex's birthday and her first visit to Roanoke, for example. Serious stuff happened, but we enjoyed as much as she did anyway. I want to draw a paralel to Order of the Phoenix- many people found it too dark and depressing, but some of the best
Crowning Moments of Awesome in the entire series were there. The prank war against Umbridge, the twins' great escape- those were intensely gratifying moments. We weren't able to enjoy almost any break Alex had in this book- there was a good reason for that- but I do hope we will in the future.
I still hope to do a complete review once uni is over- that won't be until the 10th of July. I'm looking forward to the re-read.
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