I have finished editing the print edition for Alexandra Quick and the Stars Above, with a full color cover by
Mikołaj Szonecki and chapter illustrations by
Sam Gabriel.
I will be printing through IngramSpark, which is the only POD publisher I could find that can handle a 938-page trade paperback.
I have reviewed the digital proof repeatedly, and have submitted several corrections. Now I am going to ask for crowdsourced proofreading: you can find the PDF
I am offering a bounty to anyone who finds a typo, a formatting error, or some other error in the proof. If you are the first person to spot an error that no one else has found yet, I will send you a full resolution copy of the cover, without the digital proof watermarking. You can use this to print your own copy of the book (or use it for your wallpaper, or whatever; I will just ask you not to distribute it).